Do you want to know how you can carry out Covid 19 vaccine registration yourself in Nigeria step by step? If yes, then this article will be showing you everything about Covid 19 vaccination exercise.
One of the core health agencies in Nigeria, National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) is leading the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria.
Coronaviruses are Zoonotic, i.e, they normally transmit between animals and people. The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is mainly caused by a new strain of coronavirus which has not been previously identified in humans.
Covid-19 was first reported to World Health Organization (WHO) in Wuhan, China on 31st of December, 2019.
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Some common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- Cough
- Fever
- Shivering /shaking (chills)
- Body pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Recent loss of taste or smell
- Difficulty in breathing/shortness of breath
- Diarrhoea/abdominal pain
- Runny nose/catarrh
- Fatigue (tiredness)
Very importantly, it is expected that every Nigerian resident takes responsibility for controlling the spread of COVID-19.
All the way from Federal Government, State Governments down to Local Governments are adopting different mechanisms to ensure compliance with instituted measures by the national rules including self-isolation.
As a matter of fact, if you know anyone who is not complying with Covid-19 control measures, feel free to call your state Covid-19 hotline mobile number to enable them do further investigation.
My main aim of writing this article is to show you how Covid-19 vaccine registration can be carried out online step by step for all states, communities and villages across Nigeria.
The Nigerian Federal Government has initiated a presidential Task Force on COVID-19 now Presidential Steering Committee on COVID-19 to provide high-level strategic national response to the disease in Nigeria.
The Federal Ministry of Health has activated an NCDC-led national COVID-19 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to coordinate the national public health response. At state-level, preparedness and response activities are being coordinated through Public Health EOCs in each State.
The NCDC has also launched a campaign themed ”TakeResponsibility”. This is a call to all Nigerians and residents in the country to join forces and be proactive in taking greater individual and collective responsibility in preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria.
How to do Covid 19 vaccine registration very fast step by step

Are you living in one the villages or communities in Nigeria and looking for the way of how you can get yourself and your families or parents vaccinated in order to be free from Covid 19 infection transmission?
In today’s article, I will show with you all approved Covid 19 vaccine registration centers in Nigeria and their location or address.
Please follow the procedures below to register yourself or others for Covid 19 vaccine online:
- Visit Covid-19 vaccine registration website
- Enter your names (last name, first name and middle name if available)
- Enter your email address
- Provide your valid telephone number
- Provide your address (home address or office or business address)
- Select your gender (male or female)
- Enter your date of birth and approximate age
- Then choose from the drop down your identity document (national id card, voter’s card, international passport, driver’s license) or choose I don’t have if you don’t have any id document as listed below
- Carefully select the state, local government and vaccination center where you would like to get yourself vaccinated
- Choose the date and timeslot when you would like to go to your selected vaccination center to receive your Covid-19 vaccine
- Click the box near ”I’m not a robot” to mark it in order to verify your humanity
- Finally click Check availability tab to submit your registration.
The Federal Government of Nigeria in collaboration with National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) is leading Nigeria’s efforts to access safe, effective and efficacious COVID-19 vaccines.
Please only vaccines approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria and provided through accredited means (NCDC or NPHCDA) should be accepted and also avoid receiving vaccines from an unknown source(s).
To register for COVID-19 vaccination, just simply visit the NPHCDA e-registration portal as all important information on the vaccination process will be provided by NPHCDA.
Before any vaccine is certified for use in the country, it must first receive approval from WHO.
Here, in Nigeria, in addition to WHO approval, all vaccines including COVID-19 vaccine are certified and approved as safe for use by NAFDAC.
As a responsible food and drug agency, NAFDAC will continue to monitor the vaccine in order to ensure that it is not causing any harm to Nigerians.
Are you now ready and glad to receive Covid 19 vaccine? If yes, then you first have to show an interest by registering yourself or your loved ones online as discussed above.
Now, if you have successfully registered for Covid-19 vaccine registration online in Nigeria, below are what you haveto know.
A phased COVID-19 vaccine roll-out plan has been developed by NPHCDA due to availability of vaccines in-country and risk prioritization of individuals based on their level of exposure to COVID-19 and development of severe form of disease. COVID-19 vaccine introduction phases include:
- Phase 1: Health workers
- Phase 2: Remaining health workers and persons 50 years and above
- Phase 3: Persons with other underlying medical conditions and
- Phase 4: Other target population based on disease burden.
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Who should not receive the Covid-19 vaccine
COVID-19 vaccination was specifically introduced for many diseased persons and it is very important for people with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.
People with those conditions are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19. Meanwhile, the vaccine does not cause the disease but helps the body to develop immunity against the disease.
It is strongly recommended that you get vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccine will protect you from getting Covid-19 infection, sick, or dying. By getting vaccinated, you will also protect your loved ones and other people around you.
Meanwhile, vaccinating a persons with acute symptomatic COVID-19 disease should be deferred until they have recovered from acute illness and the criteria for discontinuation of isolation have been met.
Available data on Covid 19 vaccination of pregnant women are insufficient to assess vaccine efficacy or vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy. However, the vaccine is not a live virus vaccine, the mRNA does not enter the nucleus of the cell and is degraded quickly.
In conclusion, the World Health Organization, WHO does not recommend Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy, unless the benefit of vaccinating a pregnant woman outweighs the potential vaccine risks, such as in health workers at high risk of exposure and those pregnant women with comorbidities placing them in a high-risk group for severe COVID-19.
It is very important for pregnant women to consult their Physicians or Doctors before receiving Covid-19 vaccine.
A history of severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the vaccine is a contraindication to vaccination. More importantly, mRNA vaccine should not be administered to individuals with a known history of severe allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or related molecules as PEG is a component of the vaccine.
In the same vein, there is no any data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in lactating women or on the effects of mRNA vaccines on breastfed children.
Lactating health workers should be offered vaccination. The World Health Organization does not recommend discontinuing breastfeeding after receiving Covid 19 vaccination, this is because it is biologically and clinically unlikely that vaccination will pose a risk to the breastfeeding child.
The safety and immunogenicity data obtained in a large subset of older people with and without comorbidities suggest that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks. Vaccination is recommended for older persons without an upper age limit.
There is currently no efficacy or safety data for children or adolescents below the age of 16 years. Until such data are available, in Nigeria, individuals below 16 years of age should not be allowed by their parents to carry out Covid 19 vaccine registration online and parents should also not let their under aged children be vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccination.
In case you don’t know, COVID–19 vaccine cannot alter your DNA. Instead, it triggers an immune response that will protect your body against Corona virus if encountered. If you and your community members are vaccinated, the chances of the spread of the disease are reduced.
After you have done your Covid 19 vaccine registration online and gone to your nearest selected vaccination center and receive your vaccine, please you are advised to continue to practice the preventive measures such as:
- Regularly wear your face masks
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Observe physical distancing and avoid large gathering and
- Don’t go out from your home for an unnecessary travels to stop community transmission of COVID-19.
Continue practicing a Covid-19 preventive measures after receiving its vaccine is because getting the vaccine does not stop you from getting exposed to someone who has been infected but the vaccination and development of immunity will stop the infection from progressing to disease, hence you still need to practice the preventives.
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What is Coronavirus vaccine
Covid-19 vaccines work by preparing the body to fight germs that may cause illness. When germs or disease-causing micro-organisms enter the body, the immune system produces antibodies to fight them.
Vaccines contain antigens, which are dead or considerably weakened organisms or part of the organism that when administered, help to produce antibodies.
Whenever a vaccinated individual is exposed to the actual disease, the antibodies already produced destroy and eliminate the germs and prevent the individual from ill-health and/or death. Vaccines provide immunity from various kinds of infectious diseases.
COVID-19 vaccines are aimed at preventing Corona Virus disease by triggering an immune response.
COVID-19 vaccines are being developed following the same legal requirements for quality, safety, and efficacy as for all other vaccines. Like all vaccines, the effects of COVID-19 vaccines are tested first in the laboratory, including in animals, and then in human volunteers.
Many top notable Nigerian National Regulatory Authorities for drugs, such as NAFDAC and NDLEA are the agency in charge of evaluation and supervision of medicinal products. It will evaluate COVID-19 vaccines against the same high standards as for all other vaccines before they can be released for use.
NAFDAC will continually monitor side effects in people who have received COVID-19 vaccines and identify and evaluate new information that arises on the benefits and safety of COVID-19 vaccines promptly.
Which country made Covid-19 vaccine

The practice of taking 5-10 years to produce a vaccine does not apply anymore with the availability of new technologies.
The COVID-19 vaccines were developed using a new technology — The messenger RNA vaccine (mRNA).
Older vaccines typically require a lot of virus to first be produced. But mRNA vaccines and other new vaccine technologies do not.
They rely on materials that can be synthesized in a laboratory with no virus needed. This makes them very quick to develop.
Scientists have acquired a lot of experience on how to effectively deliver the mRNA to the cells from previous experience with Zika and Ebola Virus, Rabies and Influenza mRNA vaccines which went through early phases of clinical trials.
Consequently for the mRNA vaccines, the technique was just waiting for the genomic sequence of the SARS-CoV2, which was made available by Chinese scientists within weeks of isolating the virus. So, the scientists did not start from scratch.
COVID-19 production was supported by the highest number of scientists collaborating on a common virus ever witnessed. Across the globe, scientists worked together to find a vaccine, sharing data and knowledge in real time. This significantly reduced research time by years. Moreover, funding was not a challenge as massive amounts of money were pumped into the process by rich governments and private organizations.
Another time-consuming phase of any research is the time the regulatory body takes to study and approve drugs, this also usually takes years and are mostly done at the end of the research.
But because of time and the urgency to save lives, instead of the regulatory boards waiting for both researchers and manufacturers to finish each stage of the research and wait for approval from the regulatory boards, they all worked hand in hand through-out the research and trials processes to ensure faster approvals.
This is known as rolling review method which was adapted during the Ebola crisis in West Africa.
Usually, it takes time to recruit volunteers for clinical trial. But during the pandemic, a lot of people volunteered to be tested for the new vaccine. Availability of a lot of volunteers reduced trial times significantly.
And finally, instead of putting the candidate vaccines on the usual long waiting list, approval was expedited by prioritizing them while adhering to required protocols, both scientific and legal.
If you know that this article has helped you know how you can carry out Covid 19 vaccine registration online yourself very fast in Nigeria and every important information about Corona virus vaccines, please share it with your friends and remember to subscribe to our newsletter for more important future updates.
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