Are you just married? In Islam, it’s important to make a prayer before having intercourse with your spouse. Without making a Dua before mating results giving to a disobedient and diseased child. Here, we shall discuss the prayer before having intercourse in Islam and how to make it or pray it step by step.
Do you want to give birth to an offspring who will be important and beneficial to you and also a person in society in future? Making that dream a reality begin from the point of proposing to a lady, how you respect her parents and dua you make when having intercourse with her.
According to ahadith of prophet Muhammad, iy is taught that wherever they are two people, shaitan (devil) is their third one. You and your spouse are two on a bed room, right? Remember that devil is between you there.
Devil doesn’t want good things to happen to us. He prays for bad things for us when we’re praying for good things and verse versa. The main aim of the prayer of devil is to make us go astray and worship other gods beside our maker, Allah. If you don’t pray to Allah before mating, Satan will definitely pray to God to give you satanic minded child.
And you know if you have given birth to a disobedient child, you wouldn’t enjoy the benefits that the earth possesses even in the hereafter. If you are not be careful, your child can lead you disobey the rules and regulations of your maker.
To pray for an obedient child, first of all, anytime you are having intercourse with your spouse, remember to say a Dua, at least “auzubillah mina’sh shaitan rajeem” which means ” I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan”. if you are not good at memorizing many Islamic duas (prayers).
Read this also: how to propose a lady for marriage in Islam (the recommended ways).
Please note that when we are talking about a wife in Islam, she is the person how you have paid for dowry, invited public and conduct the marriage in an Islamic way. In Islam, your real wife is the one you are allowed to have intercourse with, hence, having intercourse with others will earn you huge punishment in this world and hereafter.
Now, if you are interested to know the dua or prayer to make before having intercourse with your spouse in Islam, then let’s continue.
Dua before intercourse in Islam
Arabic text: .بِسْمِ اللهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ ، وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْـتَنَا
English text: Bismil Laah – allaahumma jannibnash-shayṭaana, wa jannibish-shayṭaana maa razaqtanaa.
Meaning in English: In the Name of Allah. O Allah, keep the shaytaan away from us and keep the shaytaan away from what You will have blessed us with.
If you want to give birth to an obedient child, you must have to say a prayer that was being shown above either in English or in your native language or in Arabic language as it is, Bismil Laah – allaahumma jannibnash-shayṭaana, wa jannibish-shayṭaana maa razaqtanaa.
Benefits of saying a dua before mating
- Satan will never have influence on the child that Allah will bless you with.
- The child will obey his/her parents.
- He/she will be respectful.
- Your child will never follow other children to do what is wrong.
- He/she will be smart and intelligent.
- He/she will be a Moslem for ever.
- You will spend a lot of money for his/her health care.
- She will never commit adultery
- If the child that Allah will bless with is a boy, he will never take hard drug or smoke.
- You and your spouse will benefit the child from this world and hereafter.
- The child must be somebody who everyone in the world or society will like to meet or speak with/to, etc.
It is very, very ideal to pray before intercourse with your spouse even if you haven’t seen each other for three years because you can predict the mating that would result to pregnancy. If you have prayed before intercourse and that has resulted to pregnancy, then you have already done a lot of work and you must be congratulated.
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