What to consider in Islam before letting someone marry your daughter

In life and everything, you want your child to become better or go higher than you, right? No matter how much you love your daughter, if she is not marrying a good husband, her life would be easily get deteriorated. Here, we shall discuss what to consider in Islam before letting someone marry your daughter in Islam.

Men are a spoiler of women. Men can promise you with thousands and still having not getting tenth to give you. Hence, parents need to intervene in their daughter’s choice in marriage, they have to help her choose a spouse.

Being a parent, you have gone very far in life and have known the good and bad.. you can deduce from the appearance or speech of someone the type of he/she is. Perhaps, your daughter may not know any. Hence, anytime she has brought husband, you have to carefully spend your time to look at the man very well yourself.

You don’t have to bring husband for your daughter as what she wants differs from what you want. Even twins brother don’t like the same thing. What you have to do as a parent when your daughter bring husband or someone is asking for your daughers hand in marriage from you is praying and giving piece of advice.

In Islam, you have to consider some things in man before letting him start doing courtship with your daughter.. You don’t have to consider whether she is rich in the first place.. First, consider if he is a Moslem.

If you refuse to let your daughter marry someone who’s not got a lot of wealth today, you will regret tomorrow.. There are some places when a man that was not being allowed to marry someone he liked as a result of his poor became multi millionaires after five years. Yes it happens.

Secondly, don’t look back at how you differs to get your daughter. Situation has changed, hence let’s change the way it changes. Some years back, our parents suffered in their in-law’s compound for more than four to give years. They farmed or worked for their grandparents. Today, things are are no longer going that way.

Read this also: how to propose a lady for marriage in Islam (the recommended ways).

If you want your son-in-law to do for you what did for your in-law, your daughter will not have husband.

In this article, we shall discuss top things you to consider before letting someone marry your daughter in Islam. Now, let’s begin.

What to consider about your son-in-law before marrying your daughter

  1. What is his religion.
  2. What does he do for a living.
  3. Which family is he belong.
  4. Ask for his philosophy about life.
  5. Get his opinion.
  6. Do Istikhara.
  7. Ask your daughter if she really loves him.
  8. Tell your spouse about it.
  9. Finally, let them marry.

Things to consider before letting someone marry your daughter

1. What is his religion

The first thing to consider about someone who proposes your daughter is his religion. Try to know weather he practices Islam very well before letting him marry your child.

If he is not a Moslem, advise him to convert to Moslem to start marrying your daughter. If he is not agree, then don’t ever let your daughter marry her no matter how rich or wealthy he is.

2. What does he do for a living

Another most important thing to consider about a man is his occupation or type of business he is involved. Islam points us to allow your daughter marry man who has what to do for a living.

If a source of his wealth or business is not halal like murdering, kidnapping, killing, selling hard drugs, etc., don’t give your daughter for him to marry unless he has repented.

3. Which family is he belong

Sometimes, a type of family where one was trained could affect a person socially, psychologically, morally and spiritually. Hence, before agreeing the proposal request of someone to marry your daughter, first, verify the type of family he came from.

After knowing the type of his family, you can now consider whether you would like your child to marry to that family’s members or not. If everybody in that family is not a Moslem, ask your son-in-law what he is going to do about his religion.

If his parents are not a Moslem and don’t want him to carry out Islamic duties, just simply tell him the truth that your daughter can’t marry him as a results of (then put the reasons here).

4. Ask for his philosophy about life

Every one in the world must have experienced one or two things in life. Before letting someone marry your daughter in Islam, first of all, ask him what he sees look at or how life looks like to him.

While discussing with him, you can ask him different question. You can even ask ”how may he feel if the whole world is filled with the people that have exact mind like him”.

5. Get his opinion

Another things to consider before letting someone marry your daughter is his opinion and how he thinks. You must make sure he is completely a straight forward human being.

You can also ask him what he is going to do with his wife, for example, will he love giving to baby after their successful marriage.

6. Do Istikhara

At this point while other things have been done, it is time to do Istikhara. Making dua to God for receiving final result. Upon praying dua Istikhara, God will show to you if that particular man is right for your daughter to marry.

Read this also: how to do Istikhara for marriage step by step.

7. Ask your daughter if she really loves him

Then ask your daughter if she really likes that men. If your sister doesn’t like him, don’t force her to marry him.

8. Tell your spouse about it

Now, being a parent, another things to consider before letting someone marry your daughter in Islam is telling your own spouse. Don’t just claim that you are a man and keep everything to yourself.

9. Finally, let them marry

After your spouse has agreed with you and found out that that man is someone that is right for your daughter to marry, then let them start courtship or marriage if the man is ready.

Another things you should do before they finally get married is preventing them from having sex before marriage as it is not allowed in Islam.

It t is good to not having sex before marriage with any man/woman in Islam. Sex before marriage is a zinnah, that attract Allah’s biggest punishment, hence, let your daughter abstain from it.


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Abdulrazaq Yahaya

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