How to attract Moslems to break their fast in your restaurant

Almost all restaurants that sell alcoholic drinks, lawful meat, render the operation of prostitute and other sinful things become scarce with the gathering of customers during the month of Ramadan. Hence, this shows that their customers are a Moslem. Here, we shall discuss with you how to attract Moslems to break their fast in your restaurant.

If you know what to do, the month of fasting (Ramadan) will be the month you will sell the most. It’s hard to caught Christian eating in the restaurant especially in the one where they sell alcohol. But it is easy to see Moslems even Imam.

Although, no Moslem will eat in the restaurant throughout their fasting in Ramadan where they used to eat in before. That is to say that they must make a switch to start eating in the one that follows Islamic rules.

Now, being the owner or managing director of a restaurant, what or how should you do to attract or convince Moslems to eat in your restaurant throughout the month of Ramadan? If you are really interested to know our pieces of advise, then please continue reading.

  1. Advertise to your existing Moslem customers
  2. Place banner at the front of your restaurant
  3. Promote your restaurant on social media
  4. Offer Free WiFi
  5. Play Islamic sound
  6. Do not sell lawful meat
  7. Collect their email address.
  8. Sign up on JumiaFood
  9. Do giveaway
  10. Don’t sell alcohol
  11. Employ social media influencers

1. Advertise to your existing Moslem customers

The first step to attract or let Moslems break their fast in your restaurant throughout this Ramadan is advertising to your existing customers that are Moslems. You can do this before Ramadan comes, for example, one week to Ramadan.

Let them know the type of meat you are going to cook in your restaurant, who will slaughter it for you if you are not a Moslem. Assure them that all Islamic rules and regulation guiding fasting in Ramadan will strictly be observed.

2. Place banner at the front of your restaurant

You can also place banner at the front of your restaurant or elsewhere especially where Moslems will easily read it. For example, you can go for roadside banner advert placement.

3. Promote your restaurant on social media

If necessary, try to promote the types of dishes you offer in your restaurant on social media platform like on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. The best way to promote something on social media is creating page for your business.

Simply open Facebook page with your restaurant name, place advert by targeting Facebook users who will easily come to your restaurant or order food from you online.

Read this also: top best advertising agencies in Lagos for 2022.

4. Offer free WiFi

After breaking fast in the evening, some Moslems like to browse internet before going or after returning from Tarawigh. Hence, as a restaurant owner, offering free WiFi will let them break their fast in your restaurant.

5. Play Islamic sound

In Islam, music is haram, thus, all Islamic sermons, Qur’anic recitation, etc. are known as sound. Please remember that they are two types of sound; pleasant and unpleasant sound.

All Islamic sermons, recitation, seminars, etc. compiled by scholars are classified as pleasant sound. If you want to attract Moslems to break their fast in your restaurant throughout this Ramadan, just simply be playing Islamic sounds.

6. Do not sell Islamic lawful meat

There are lawful and unlawful meat in Islam. In Islam, lawful (lawful) meat like pork, port, ham, sausage, bacon, etc. are not allowed to consume in ordinary month even so in Ramadan.

7. Collect their email address

Anytime new customers come to your restaurant to break their fast, try to collect their email address. You don’t have to ask them orally but you can use well written printed document.

For example, Assalamualqum. Welcome to (the name of your restaurant here). Here we offer the following (dishes you sell).

We presence of being here and we would love you coming here henceforth. For more information about us, please visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter.


8. Sign up on JumiaFood

Another fastest way to attract Moslem break their fast in your restaurant is signing up on food ordering website like JumiaFood. What you have to do here is simply create an account with them as a restaurant owner with all the details of your restaurant.

By signing up accordingly, JumiaFood will take care of everything on your behalf. They would only send their agent to collect dish(es) from you and deliver it to any customer that has ordered, then Jumia will pay to your account after each successful transaction.

9. Do giveaway

Doing giveaway will rapidly attract Moslems to eat in your restaurant. Do giveaway to Moslems especially those that has in the first time visited your restaurant. If he/she only order for bread, give him/her butter/tea for free of charge.

Read this also: times for making and breaking fast in 2022 Ramadan for all days.

10. Don’t sell alcohol

Islam forbids alcohol, hence, Moslems don’t like to eat in a restaurant where they are selling alcoholic drink. If you can’t avoid selling alcohol, then don’t put in any effort to attract Moslem to break their fast in your restaurant.

One person can’t serve two services at a time. For you to attract Moslems to break their fast in your restaurant, stop selling alcohol in that same restaurant throughout Ramadan.

11. Employ social media influencers

For Moslems to get attracted toward eating in your restaurant, you can employ social media influencer to promote your restaurant on social media while you are busy managing your business.

Social media influencers know how to communicate with people on social media or direct them to your restaurant or simply encourage them to order food from you online.

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