If you’ve ever wondered why your school doesn’t teach you how to cook and clean, here’s the answer: Schools are beholden to parents who want their kids’ time spent on things like sports and social life, not useful skills.
And that’s a shame because teaching kids useful life skills are actually pretty easy—and it could make them more employable in the future. So we decided to create this list of things schools should be teaching but aren’t (and why).
Are you ready to know the top things that every school should teach their students but don’t? Here are their list and explanation. Happy reading!
1. Financial responsibility
Schools should teach students how to make and save money. This is especially important for students who are entering the workforce, where it’s more important than ever to be able to manage your own finances.
In addition, schools should teach students about budgeting, investing, and applying for scholarships and grants that can help them pay for college tuition or other expenses. They should also encourage them not just to save for retirement but also to invest in mutual funds or start their own business if they want their businesses to succeed over time (and if you’re interested in this subject at all).
2. How to network
Networking is important. It can help you get a job, or it can help you find new friends and opportunities. Unhappily, schools don’t teach their students how to network.
Perhaps, if you want to network, here are some tips:
- Find someone in your workplace who knows the right people to talk with.
- Ask them if they know any other people who might be good at what you do (and vice versa).
- If they don’t know anyone themselves, ask them how they could help with that part of your job search process by introducing you and getting more information about potential connections for both parties involved.
- Do not be afraid of approaching strangers! You never know when someone might have something valuable for someone else even if there isn’t anything specifically related to their own field of expertise (like mine).
- It’s also easier than ever before because nowadays everyone has smartphones which make messaging easier than ever before too! So go ahead; ask away!
3. Stress management
Stress is a normal part of life. It can be good or bad, depending on how you handle it. The best way to manage stress is by learning how to recognize when you’re feeling anxious, scared, or stressed out and then finding ways to reduce your stress levels before they get out of control.
You may have heard that stress can be a form of motivation—if you feel like your work isn’t getting done because there’s too much pressure from deadlines, then maybe taking some time off will help get things back on track.
But while this might sound like an excuse for laziness (and perhaps even laziness), there are actually some benefits associated with taking breaks from work.
Research has shown that employees who take frequent breaks tend to perform better at their jobs than those who don’t and those who don’t take any sort of break at all!
Read this also: top best web development company in Nigeria (get a professional website or web app).
4. How to cook and clean
How to cook and clean is also one of the top things that schools should teach their students. These shouldn’t only be inherited from parents or friends.
I wonder why they don’t teach cleaning and cooking in the schools while it’s the number one thing that everybody lives with. It pains me when I hear a man divorce his wife because of her cooking inability.
Everyone can learn how to cook and clean. They shouldn’t be regarded as female responsibility only.
- Cook and cleaning are life skills.
- You can learn how to cook, or you can learn how to clean. The choice is yours!
- You don’t have to be a chef or an expert cleaner to do these things well; just being able to make your own food and keep your home tidy will help you feel more confident, relaxed and productive in other areas of life as well.
5. Health maintenance
You should also teach students how to take care of their health. It’s important to prevent infection and disease, which can be spread through contact with infected people or objects. If you want your students to stay healthy, it’s important that they know how to wash their hands regularly and avoid touching surfaces that might have germs on them (or worse yet—their mouths).
All these things may seem like common sense, but there are many people who don’t do these things correctly even though they know better! This is why we need more education in our schools so kids get the proper information before they start living life as adults.
6. Basic car maintenance
The car has become a means of transportation for almost everybody. Hence, a study of basic car maintenance should also be taught in the school.
It’s important to know how to change a tire, but it’s also important to know how to change the oil, spark plugs, and fuel filter.
This is because they’re all very important parts of your car. If you don’t know how to do these things correctly, then your car could break down on the road or in an accident. That would be bad!
Here are some more basic tips for changing car tire:
- Find a safe place to pull over.
- Lift your car off the ground using jack.
- Loosen the lug nuts.
- Replace the fault tire with the spare one on it.
- Replace the lug nuts.
- Lower the vehicle and begin driving.
7. How to respect
Schools don’t teach how one should respect or talk to their elderly ones. If they don’t teach you how to respect in school, here are the importance, who to respect, and how to give respect to someone.
- Respect your elders, including your parents and grandparents.
- Respect your peers, fellow students, and classmates.
- Respect teachers in the classroom and those at other schools who teach you something new each year.
- Respect your family members by doing what they say without question or argument even if it doesn’t make sense to you yet (this is called respect).
- Respect yourself by trying hard every day so that one day you will be able to achieve what other people have achieved before you—and then some!
Remember: respect is reciprocal. If you resepct people, surely, people must respect. Anythin you do to others, people will do to you.
8. Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. It’s a key predictor of success in life, but it’s not the same as IQ or EQ.
Emotional intelligence isn’t just about how well you can deal with stress, it’s also about understanding yourself and others well enough so that you can reach your goals effectively.
For example, if someone has an emotional maturity problem (or “emotionally immature”), they might be able to control their emotions better than someone who doesn’t have that problem; however, since those two people may have different levels of emotional maturity (or “emotional immaturity”), they may still fall into different categories when it comes down to being effective at reaching their goals on any given day because one had better self-awareness skills than another did!
9. How to choose a spouse
Schools don’t teach marital relationships or how to righty get married. How to choose a spouse is one of the top things schools should teach because it’s a good spouse leads to good offspring (family)
After I traveled while observing the marriage of some households, I realized that they are married to the wrong person. Surprisingly, most of them are graduates, doctors, and professors. Why? Because they used many years studying pieces of western knowledge in school but didn’t spend a good month studying how to choose a spouse.
Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life. You should be sure to choose someone who is compatible with you, a good person and parent, partner, and lover.
Choose someone who has similar values as yours, because if not then it will be very difficult for both of you to live together happily and harmoniously.
10. How to be interviewed for a job
You may have heard of the “life skills” portion of your school’s curriculum. It’s not what you think it is; it’s about how to be a good employee and employer, with a particular focus on how employers will perceive you during interviews.
The first step in preparing for an interview is knowing yourself well enough that you can answer questions about yourself confidently when asked about them.
For example, “What do I like most about working here?” Not only does this show that you’ve thought through your career goals, but it also demonstrates that you know yourself well enough not to base those goals on stereotypes (e.g., “I’m young so I want something fast-paced”).
If possible, find out what kind of questions might come up during an interview by asking someone at work who has been through one recently—or better yet, ask people outside work who might have experience interviewing others (elderly relatives maybe).
This way they’ll be able to give useful advice based on their own experiences rather than just telling wild guesses based solely on what they’ve heard others say before!
11. How to make and save money
While I was preparing this article, I came across one post that indicated that some schools have now started entrepreneurship development for their students. My question is; “do they teach deeply?”.
I won’t argue that in a bid to quench the rate of poverty and unemployment across the globe, schools are teaching their students entrepreneurs but they don’t teach them:
- How to make and save money. This is one of the most important things you can learn in school because it’s not something that comes naturally or easily. You need to know how to budget properly and make good decisions about what kind of financial future you want for yourself and your family.
- How to invest money (or even just put some aside). Investing is an important skill that will help you reach your goals no matter where they are (whether they’re career-oriented or personal). You don’t have to invest all at once—just start small!
- How investing in yourself makes sense financially.
When we think about investing our time/energy into ourselves, many people immediately assume “I won’t be able to get any return on my investment” since there aren’t any guarantees when it comes down directly affecting ourselves as individuals.
However, there are ways around this obstacle by researching options like mentoring programs which allow those involved with these organizations greater access than ever before due its popularity among college students who missed out on similar opportunities during their schooling years due lack thereof.”
12. Social life
I have realized that mingling with sociology graduates that most of them can’t put what they learned into practice. Here is what social life really all about
- Social skills are important.
- Making friends is important.
- Learning how to socialize is important.
- Developing social skills like web designing and
- The ability to make friends is also important.
Despite all the top benefits of social life shown above, the school doesn’t teach their students how to socially live with people in an organization, community, etc.
13. Parent responsibility
Another thing that every school should teach their student is parents’ responsibility. Every student will surely become a parent, hence, they need to understand their duties as a father or mother to their children.
Every student should be taught that the;
- Parents should be more involved in their children’s lives.
- Parents should set an example for their children and make them feel loved and cared for, rather than feeling like they’re expected to do everything on their own, including paying the bills and buying food.
- Parents need to take responsibility for their child’s education as well as social life (and health) so that no one else can take over those responsibilities when you’ve gone away on vacation or out of town at work all day every day!
Conclusion and more reading
In conclusion, a school is a place where knowledge is learned. However, don’t let only classroom lessons be the only source of your learning. Try to learn skills while in school.
A school that offers entrepreneurial development as a course should teach more useful skills than they do.
Schools should teach more useful skills than they do.
This might sound like a simple statement, but the fact is that most schools do not teach students useful skills for their future careers or everyday life.
Many schools just give them general education and expect them to learn on their own or from their family or friends in order for them to succeed in society.
Unfortunately, this does not work very well because there are so many different types of jobs available today that require specific knowledge and skills; therefore, if you don’t have these things then it will be hard for you to find a job when college is over!
We can’t wait to see what schools are teaching in the future! Comment with any questions you may have to ask via the comment box.
If you think that this post has helped you know the top things schools should teach but don’t, please share it to be a helpful post to others. As a school manager (head), what did you see about this article?