In this article, we shall show you how to use 6 different types of figure of Speeches in English Language and how they can be used in making the correct sentence.
Figure of speech is the type of question which examiner set to text candidate’s ability to recognize literary devices as they are used. A figure of speech is a statement in style.
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Many examination bodies in Nigeria, like WAEC, JAMB or NECO always do ask candidates a question about figure of speeches.
In this way, some candidates ask; will the question of figure of speech be asked in this forthcoming examination (JAMB or WAEC)?
Yes, of course, there is no any year that figure of speech question would not be asked by either WAEC, JAMB or NECO to candidates. Hence, study it very, very well for your exams!!
This article has also shown that Fastknowers has revealed how you can study hard for your exams in the night without getting mis-concentration. You may click here to read that.
We will show you the difference figure of speeches and how to use them to make the correct sentences in this article.
The figure of speeches which we are going to show you and explain today are listed below. They are many, but these are just the few of them.
6 Different Types Of Figure Of Speeches In English Language
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Alliteration
- Euphemism
- Irony
- Personification.
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6 Different Types Of Figure Of Speeches In English Language And Their Uses In making A Correct Sentence
1. Simile
Oral sound: /ˈsɪməli/
A simile makes comparison between two entities in an indirect form using the words “as” or “like”.
For example:
- She sleeps like wood
- She is as unfeeling as book
- He is as fat as a hippopotamus.
2. Metaphor
Oral sound: /ˈmɛt.ə.fɔː(ɹ)/
A metaphor is a statement which compares one with one another more sharply than simile does.
For example:
- He is a piece of coal, i.e. he is very dark in complexion
- She is tigress, i.e. she is very ferocious.
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3. Alliteration
This is when the first sounds of each word in a statement a statement are alike.
For example:
- Pleasant people patronize Paul printing press
- Plantain planter planted plantain on the plantain plantation, etc.
4. Euphemism
Oral sound: /ˈjuː.fəˌmɪ.z(ə)m/
These are the softer ways of saying things expecially those things are likely cause embarrassment to the ear. You cannot in public for example shout ‘I am going to urinate’. It is vulgar. So simply be euphemistic: ‘I am going to comfort station’.
Summarily, instead of saying someone is a thief, we could say he is ‘light fingered’, instead of saying ‘He died’ we could say he passed on’ or ‘passed away’, instead of saying ‘toilet’ or ‘latrine’ we could euphemistically say ‘comfort station’.
5. Irony
Oral sound: /ˈaɪə.ɹən.i/
This is saying the direct opposite of what the doer meant. If for example, after ten times failure of Ali, Ali could then be described as a brilliant student ironically. (You could see the opposite in failing and a brilliant).
6. Personification
This gives attributes or qualities of life to something, which does not have life.
For example, one day, i put a metal plate on my table. Unknown to me, the plate was leaking and it had water in it. Some water had percolated through the holes, on the table. Couldn’t the plate be said to have ‘menstruated’? This will personify the plate, because menstruation is what only human beings do. To describe somethings with which only human beings do personifies the things you are describing _ treating it as if it were a human being.
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