If you are a student studying in Coal City University, Enugu state, there is good news for you. Coal City University will give scholarship for its qualified and interested students in 2021.
Presently, the application portal of Coal City University (CCU) has not opened yet for 2021. But if you would want to know when it’ll open, then this website is the right one especially if you join its newsletter.
Coal City University is one of the private universities in Nigeria which is located at KM 3, Enugu-abakaliki Expressway, Enugu, Enugu state.
This website, fastknowers.com has been informing and showing a lot of different applicants on how to apply for the scholarship application form of CCU.
Most importantly, we don’t charge any body for teaching them anything like Scholarship application updates and lot more.
Why Should People Apply For Coal City University Scholarship
Every thing which people are doing has what it gives them in either one way or the other. Hence, why should people apply for the scholarship application form of Coal City University? Below you will find the answer. So, keep reading.
The reason why people apply for the scholarship application form is because of the students who want to be a future leader but money is one thing that seems to prevent them from fulfiing their dreams.
If you’re a student who want to be a leader in future, your voice cannot speak but your academic performance in Coal City University.
Students who wish to expand the journey of their education but they have not got the financial capability, Coal City University helps such students in every year.
Don’t worry any more, okay? I will show you the requirements or eligibilities and how to apply for CCU scholarship shortly.
To be eligible for Coal City University scholarship, you must:
- Be a full-time admitted student of Coal City University
- Pass the Interview/Scholarship Entrance Examinations
Categories of the scholarship
Coal City University has categorized its scholarship application into three (3) different parts and they are listed below with the requirements to apply for each one of the parts.
1. The Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship (CMS) Awards
This Award is for qualified candidates with a JAMB Score of two hundred and fifty (250) points and above or international students who achieved AAA in A-Levels, who were successful in the CCU Scholarship Interview/Examination.
This type of Coal City University scholarship is renewable every year until graduation for existing awardees provided they maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.5.
2. The Progressive Excellence Scholarship (PES) Awards
This Award is for students with a JAMB score of two hundred to two hundred and fourty-nine (200-249) or international students who achieved AAB in A-Levels, who were successful in the CCU Scholarship Interview/Examination.
The student may stand a chance to enjoy partial scholarship for the first year or have the opportunity to gain full scholarship with a CGPA of 3.5 in the prospective years.
3. The Study Abroad Scholarship (SAS) Awards
A semester abroad promotes global mind set and enhances employability.
This type of Scholarship of Coal City University is for three hundred (300) level undergraduate students of Coal City University with CGPA of 4 point and above. It’s for the students who want to take part in academic activities (3 to 6 months) in CCU partnered universities in abroad
The award is a contribution towards international flight and accommodation and is not meant to cover the full expenses of the semester. Indeed, a student can get a minimum of $2500.
How to apply for the scholarship of CCU
The application is primarily done online on the Coal City University, CCU website. Therefore, beware of fraudsters.
If you observe that you’re eligible to apply for CCU scholarship in this year, 2021, then you can click here right now.
Also note that any applicant who have proven case of any sort of examination malpractice or manipulation of scores will automatically lose the scholarship opportunity.
If you are already a beneficiary of CCU scholarship, please don’t reapply. Any candidate who has found reapplying would face the university panel for appropriate disciplinary action.
Interviews or scholarship entrance examinations may hold physically or online as demanded by the prevailing circumstances.
When you will be registering, please remember to enter your valid personal email address as every information from the department of Scholarship of Coal City University will be communicated to you through it.
For more information, check the website of Coal City University by clicking here.
Conclusion and more to read
You may ask for the application period of Coal City University scholarship for 2021, right? As a matter of fact, the portal has not yet opened.
The application of previous year, 2020 was closed on 31st August, 2020. Now we’re all waiting for when the portal for the 2021 application will open.
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Read this also: list of all best private universities in Nigeria in 2021.