Do you want to know what it takes to become a pastor in Nigeria? Here, we shall discuss with you how to step by step become a pastor in Nigeria in order to preach gospel to people or your Church members.
By becoming a pastor, you don’t have to possess any educational certificate, i.e, you must not have to hold a degree. You can become a minister if you are determined and have spiritual focus. Being a Pastor, people must be lead by your practice. You shouldn’t behave antisocially like other people.
Being a Pastor, there are spiritual possessions you have to get. You don’t have to be rich to become a Pastor. Here, we will list and deeply discuss all direct and indirect things to possess or own to becoming a Pastor.
How to become a Pastor in Nigeria?
- Have leadership mind.
- Ability to teach people.
- Must not be a drunkard.
- Ability to fast.
- Studying degree in Ministry is an additional advantages.
- Not doing bad habit.
- Must be selfless.
- Must know God.
- Lead with practice.
- Honesty.
- Truthful.
1. Have leadership mind
One step to become a Pastor is having a mind of leading people. You have to show people how they should or create what they should should. Being a Pastor, all your Church’s member will rely on you.
If you want to become here in Nigeria, you have to first have leadership mind. If you don’t can’t lead people, then don’t start pastoring yet. Go out to learn how to develop leadership mind before you come back.
2. Ability to teach people
As a Pastor, you have to get an ability to teach your Church’s member good and bad things they should do and avoid, respectively. As a Pastor, you must learn how to preach, teach or encourage people.
3. Must not be a drunkard
Drinking alcohol is not encouraged in Christian, hence, you are aspiring to become a Pastor, you should never to be a drunkard. Do not take in any drink that is an alcoholic either in public or private. As a Pastor, doing what is forbidden in private will disconnect your connection between your Lord.
4. Ability to fast
To become a Pastor here in Nigeria, you must have an ability to fast. Fasting kills bad spirits in you while it awakens strong positive spirit. You can fast for three days, 2 two days or even twenty-four hours (one day).
Read this also: top richest pastors in Nigeria (2022).
5. Studying degree in Ministry
Becoming a Pastor in Nigeria doesn’t require one to study specific course. However, holding a degree in Ministry is an additional advantages, it will rapidly boost your career. Here, don’t be confused. You can study any course of your choice and can become a Pastor.
6. Must not do bad habit
A Nigerian Pastor aspirant should not do the bad things that other people are doing. You must really know yourself and respect your career. Do not engage in doing having illegal sex with people and be prayerful.
7. Must be selfless
Before attaining the level of being a pastor, you should be able to consider the feelings of others, empathy simply means putting yourself in other people’s situation. This would help you relate well and help the congregation when in need.
Always show your selflessness and help your Church members what you can do for them.
8. Must know God
You must know the existence of God, His prophet/messenger and holy spirit (Angel). If you planning to become a Pastor, you shouldn’t believe the existence of other gods except the God in heaven that created everything.
9. Lead with practice
Lead your Church members and other people around you with examples. Do not preach only without practicing the way you preach. If you are preaching people the reward in doing good deeds, then you yourself should do good deeds for people first.
To have reward from God and let people value your ministry, don’t forget to do what you preach as good to be doing. For example, it is not good to have girlfriend in Bible, right? Then don’t make girlfriend.
Read this also: 12 pillars of Living Faith Church and their organogram.
10. Honesty
In order to become a successful Pastor in Nigeria, you have to be honesty. Don’t say say for any reason. Let people believe what ever you say. Do not go to any third party to request for extra ordinary power.
11. Truthful
Once you say you want to become a Pastor, another things to keep in mind is always be truthful. Saying truth has biggest advantages, one being it makes your followers trust you.
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