Are you the type of person who falls in love with writing books? You can become an accredited best-selling author tomorrow! To be a famous author, you must get an ISBN which stands for International Standard Book Number.
Most consequently, failing to get an ISBN at the right time can give privilege to other authors stealing your writing (work), hence, the national library can ban your book from being released to the public if they’re detected that a very similar it is already released.
However, getting your own ISBN will not only make you become an accredited author who can write books anytime but also safeguard your work against other reckless people from copying it.
It is not easy to write boo, indeed! Books are expensive. In fact, the book makes people become a billionaire. Most expensive books contain the history and method of success of past people, hence, a reader of such books will surely become what the writer is.
Perhaps, there are some books in which one of their copies can completely build a standard building. Such books are majorly found at the national library.
If you are interested to know how to get an ISBN number for your book, then continue reading as we are going to discuss the steps involved in it with you one by one.
Now, let’s start the discussion!
If you have a book you want to publish, then it is important that you get an ISBN number. An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identifier that identifies books with details such as title and author.
It helps booksellers locate your book in stores and libraries because it has a unique identifier that can be used across multiple platforms such as Amazon, Barnes, & Noble, etc.
Read this also: how to apply for the USA via (step-by-step).
How to get an ISBN step-by-step
Visit your local ISBN office
You can get an ISBN number from their office in your country. There are several companies (for example, Amazon) that provide this service, but you can’t directly buy it unless you’re registered with them first.
If you’re not sure which agency to use or how to register with them, call your local library or bookstore and ask for help finding one near you.
Once you have found a reputable agency in your area and registered with them, they will send out an application form for you to fill out (it’s very simple!) including all of your personal information such as address and contact details.
Once they receive this form back from you at least 2 weeks before the deadline date listed on their website page then they’ll email back telling you whether or not your application has been approved.
Here are the address of ISBN agencies’ offices for Canada, the US, and other countries:
- Office address: 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0N4
- Telephone number: (+1 819) 994 68 72, (+1 866) 578 77 77 (toll free)
- Email address: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/services/isbn-canada/Pages/isbn-canada.aspx
United States of America:
- Office Address: 26 Main Street, Suite 102, Chatham, NJ 07928
- Telephone number: (+1) 856-399-7495, (+1) 908-623-8508
- Email address: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.isbn.org
- Office Address: International Standards and Programmes Department (IS&PD), National Library of Nigeria, Plot 274 Sanusi-Dantata House Central Business District, P.M.B. 1, Garki, Abuja
- Telephone number: +234 8052817791, +234 7066138992
- Email address: ispdnlnig@abdulrazaqyahaya
- Website: http://www.nln.gov.ng.
Register on the ISBN portal
To get an ISBN number, you can also register on their Portal or partnering website.
You can go to their website https://www.isbn.org/register to create a profile. After creating a profile, you can log in with your username and password.
Login to your account
- Login to your account using your user Name Email
- After submission of the registration form, you will be sent the mail through your registered email containing your Password for the online system.
- And the User Name will be your Email ID.
How does ISBN work
If you plan to publish a book, you need an ISBN number. You do not need one if you are planning on publishing an ebook. But if you want to publish a print book, then get yourself an ISBN number.
You need one ISBN per book. However, if you want to publish more than one book at a time, ISBNs are available in packages of 5, 10, 100, or 1000.
The price per ISBN presently is $125, however, if you purchase more than one at a time, the cost could be lowered. In addition to these amounts being higher than other services that offer single-ISBN pricing such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, etc. the company also charges extra for each additional title it sells on your behalf if you’re buying multiple copies at once.
Once you have purchased your ISBN number, take note of it! You will need it when you publish your book.
Note: the ISBN is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies each book on the market and can be used for tracking sales and inventory. It’s essentially a barcode for readers that allows for automated data processing and inventory tracking within the publishing industry.
When you buy an ISBN from Amazon or another company registered with them, they assign an identifying code to each title (or even genre) so that their customers know how to find their products in their database when they want to purchase them again later on down the road from another retailer who may offer varying prices depending upon demand at any given time.
You need to get an ISBN number if you intend to publish a print book or a Kindle ebook (to be available on Amazon). If you only plan to have an ebook on iBooks, Nook, or Kobo then you do not need one (but you should include other info such as the title of your book and author information).
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There are basically two main methods to get an ISBN number; going to their office and doing it offline or visiting their website and carrying it out online.
By going through their local agency office, they will provide you with one for free (your local library probably has one). This is the easiest way, but it’s not always available.
You can go through the International Standard Book Number Portal (ISBN portal), which offers more than 1 million unique titles from over 50 countries and territories worldwide!
Along with providing free global shipping on orders above $49 USD, this site also offers several benefits including access to our community forums where users discuss everything related to book publishing including pricing strategies and marketing strategies for authors/publishers alike; purchasing options so that authors don’t have any trouble finding what they need when creating content for their books; as well as other services like ordering custom covers from designers like me who specialize in designing covers for indie authors like myself 🙂
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