Top best tools to check blog traffic (step-by-step)

Do you want to know the tools that you can use to check your blog traffic?

Your blog traffic is what makes you know whether the efforts you put into SEO are really working or not. The stronger your SEO effort, the higher your traffic. Today, I will like to show you top best tools that you can use to check your blog traffic in 2023.

In the world of blogging and content creation, traffic is the number of views you have or the number of people visiting your content.

The more traffic you have, the more money you will earn. Using the tools we are going to show it below, you’ll be able to determine your traffic source, for example, keywords that bring people to your blog, the devices they use, their location, gender, interest, etc.

Checking your blog traffic enables you to adapt your blog and its articles. For example, when you have checked the keywords that seriously bring traffic to your blog, you will know the types of articles you will be likely creating.

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Now, let’s start.

If you want to check the traffic on your blog, then below are some tools that will help you do just that.

Top best tools to check your blog traffic

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the #1 best tool to check your blog traffic. It’s free, easy to use, and powerful.

Google Analytics helps you gain insight into your website’s performance and conversion rates across all channels. You can track how people arrive at your site, what they do when they get there and how many pages they visit before leaving again (and if they come back).

You can also see which keywords are driving traffic that converts into leads or sales for your business – so you know which ones need more attention in order for them not only to be relevant but also outstanding at attracting new customers.

Read this also: tips on how to rank a blog on Google’s front page.

2. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool that helps you find long-tail keywords and their search volume. It’s easy to use, has a nice interface, and is an excellent way of finding out how to create high-quality articles on your blog.

This tool shows how popular each term is across all countries worldwide. This means that if there are many more searches coming from Germany than other countries then chances are there will be lots of competition between brands on these terms too!

3. Jetpack

Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that has many features, including site stats, security, and traffic insights which can allow you to track your blog’s traffic.

It can be used as an analytics tool or a marketing tool. If you want to use it as an analytics tool then there are some things that you should know about this plugin:

The Jetpack does have a premium plan like other plugins. However, the free version does provide some basic information about where visitors come from.

This information could be helpful in helping you know how to improve the strategies on how to create an article on your blog.

4. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is another tool that allows you to check your blog traffic by seeing the links that visitors are clicking on your blog. This tool helps you understand the pages that are working and the ones that aren’t.

5. SEMRush

SEMRush is a powerful and versatile tool for SEO and blog traffic checking tool. It provides you with an overview of your website, including:

  • Site traffic analysis
  • Keyword ranking reports
  • Competitor analysis.

With this information, you can decide what needs to be done to improve your site’s performance.

These are all the best tools to check blog traffic. There are many other tools out there, but these ones have been tested and proven to work well.

Hope this article has helped you know the top best tools to check your blog traffic. Please share it with your friends and remember to like our Facebook page for more important updates.

Abdulrazaq Yahaya

Hi. Welcome to Fastknowers. On this blog, I share articles on how to develop your personal and career life. If you did like this article, please share it with others.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Saudat Ibraheem

    According to this article and my research, Google analytics is the #1 tool to check a traffic. Yes, it is obvious. Please can you show us in the next time you will write how to configure the Google Analytics to use to check blog’s traffic?

    Thanks 👍

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