Top importance of report writing

Report writing is writing about a particular event according to how you witnessed, executed, and experienced the event. There are different types of report writing. But in this article, we shall only discuss the importance of report writing for entrepreneurs.

A report can be an oral report or a written report. There are stages in which you should only use written reports but not oral reports and there are stages in which you should use both.

At any ramification of our daily lives, health, education, career, etc. we depend directly or indirectly on report writing. Let’s enumerate the sectors where report writing is important to us and their explanation.

Fields where report writing matters

1. Education:

Report writing is first in education. It helps our brain remember what we have learned today in the future. Note-taking and note-making are report-writing processes because they can be used as a reference in the future.

For example, students who have participated practical/experiment in their college’s laboratory are instructed to make a report writing about what they have observed and concluded during their experimental experiences. Written practical reports are known as thesis which can be used as references for the next students.

Hence, report writing is very important in the education sector/field.

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2. Travelling or journey:

Report writing helps people who travel for occupation or commercial purposes keep a record of what they have learned during their journey. Nowadays, people can travel from their country to other countries to see and observe things that are going on there.

Hence, as they are traveling across the world, they will be making a report writing about it. After some time, they would then start sharing it with others in monetary exchange directly or indirectly.

Some companies may need to sponsor one or more of their staff on a journey to take a survey. As they are traveling, they would be writing a report about their observation, experiences, conclusions, etc., and share them back to their sponsor or appropriate team. This process can lead to the development of the company.

3. Decision making:

Today’s complex business organizations require thousands of information. Reports provide the required information. A large number of important decisions in business or any other areas are taken based on information presented in the report.

4. Investigation:

Whenever there is any problem, a committee commission or study group investigates the problem to find out the reason behind the problem and present the full output with or without the recommendation in the form of a report.

5. Evaluation:

Large-scale organizations are engaged in multidimensional activities. A single top executive can’t keep a personal watch on what others are doing. So, the executive depends on reports to evaluate the performance of various departments or units.

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6. Quick Location:

There is no denying the fact that business executives need information for quick decision-making. As top executives are found to be busy for various purposes, they need vital sources of information. Such sources can be business reports.

7. Development of skill:

Report writing skill develops the power of designing, Organization coordination, judgment, and communication. Therefore such skill acts as a catalyst.

8. Neutral Presentation of Facts:

Facts are required to be presented neutrally. Such presentation is ensured through a report as it investigates, explains, and evaluates much more about any fact independently.

9. Professional Advancement:

The report also plays a major role in professional progress and advancement. For promotion to the rank and file position, satisfactory job performance is enough to help a person. But for promotion to a high-level position, intellectual ability is highly required. Such ability can be expressed through the report submitted to higher authority.

10. Proper control:

Whether activities are happening according to plan or not is expressed through a report. So, controlling such activities is implemented based on the information of a report.

11. A managerial tool:

Various reports make activities easy for managers. For planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, and controlling, A manager may find help from a report that acts as a source of information.

Many managers or business owners use report writing to manage their business. Report writing helps companies to analytically determine the source of their customers and what they are interested in.

12. Encountering advanced case:

In a large business organization, there are always some sort of labor problems that may bring complex situations. To tackle that situation, managers take the help of a report.

The report is the most effective when it is in the way of formal communication and written communication.

13. Maintaining health

Report writing helps maintain our health and life. For example, if you write a report on your health changes every week, illness cannot easily penetrate your body system.

Once you have started experiencing illness, then visit the clinic with your previous health report writing, thus a clinician will easily find the cause and medication for your illness.

For example, reserve a separate book and write any change you experience in your health, the type of drug you apply to it, how you have been experiencing it, etc. Doing this will make become stronger and healthier.

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How to make a report writing

Once you know what a report is, the next step is to understand how you can write one.

There are different types of reports, each with a specific structure, usually known as ‘elements of the report’.

While we tell you what the elements of report writing are, if you want detailed guidance, you can go for Harappa Education’s Writing Proficiently course that talks about the popular PREP (Point of starting, Reason, Evidence, and Point of ending) model of report writing.

A typical report starts with a title page and a table of contents, after which come the main sections – the executive summary, introduction, discussion, and conclusion.

Now, let’s look at the explanation of the top elements of report writing and their importance.

1. Summary

Do you remember summary writing for English class during school days? You were asked to read a story or passage and write a summary, including the important takeaways.

That’s exactly what you are expected to do in a report’s executive summary section. This section presents a brief overview of the report’s contents. You should present the key points of the report in this section. But why is it important to write an executive summary at the start of the report?

Firstly, the summary will help readers better understand the purpose, key points, and evidence you are going to present in the report. Secondly, readers who are in a hurry can read the summary for a preview of the report.

Here are some specifics that will help you write a clear and concise summary:

  • Include the purpose of your report and emphasize conclusions or recommendations.
  • Include only the essential or most significant information to support your theories and conclusions.
  • Follow the same sequence of information that you have used in the report.
  • Keep the summary length to 10-15% of the complete report.
  • Try not to introduce any new information or points in the summary that you haven’t covered in the report.
  • The summary should communicate the message clearly and independently.

2. Introduction

The introduction section should:

  • Briefly describe the background and context of the research you have done.
  • Describe the change, problem, or issue related to the topic.
  • Define the relevant objectives and purpose of the report
  • Give hints about the overall answer to the problem covered in the report.
  • Comment on the limitations and any assumptions you have made to get to the conclusion.

3. Discussion:

This section serves two purposes:

  • It justifies the recommendations.
  • It explains the conclusions.

While you are writing the discussion section, make sure you do the following:

  • Present your analysis logically.
  • If needed, divide the information under appropriate headings to improve readability and ease of understanding.
  • Explain your points and back up your claims with strong and evaluated evidence.
  • Connect your theory with real-life scenarios

4. Conclusion

The last key element of report writing is the conclusion section. Present the conclusion as follows:

  • The primary conclusion should come first.
  • Identify and interpret the major problems related to the case your report is based on.
  • Relate to the objectives that you have mentioned in the introduction.
  • Keep the conclusion brief and specific

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Abdulrazaq Yahaya

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