How To Know Airtel Telephone Number (New USSD Code To Know Airtel Number)

If you are a type of person who has many sim cards like me, it is really easy at all to memorize every telephone number of your sim card. No wonder, to make your life easier and your head free, Airtel has launched the code that you can use to know your number at any time very fast.

Now, I am going to explain or show with you everything concerning code to retrieve or know your phone number on your Airtel sim card step by step.

Are you confused in knowing the telephone number of your Airtel network provider limited? Or are you a new user of Airtel and looking for the code to know your number? However, any way, we have got your solution.

Please keep reading as we’re going to show you how you can know your Airtel number without facing any difficulty.

In the olden days, people used *746# to know their Airtel telephone number. But presently, that code is no longer recognizable or active. Thus, the recognizable USSD code to know an Airtel number is shown in this content below.

Read this also: why sim card is not able to receive and send text messages and tips on how to resolve.

Code To Know The Telephone Number Of Airtel Network

If you’re very curious to know the telephone number of your Airtel network, then we’ve got you covered (here is the right place).

Follow the procedures below and know the number of your Airtel sim card:

Method1. USSD Code

The number methods which you can use to retrieve or know your Airtel telephone number is by using USSD code and how to use it step by step are as shown below:

  • Insert the Airtel sim card which you want to know its number in mobile device
  • Then dial *121*3*4#
  • Finally your Airtel telephone number will be displayed on the screen of your mobile device.

Method 2. Costumer Service Representative

Every finger is not the same, did you know that? If you can use USSD code to know your Airtel phone number, other persons may find it difficult to do as quick and smooth as you do, thus, this method is created for such persons.

To know the telephone number of your sim card at any time even though you are in a hurry, calling costumer care representative will help you very fast as well.

Kindly follow the procedures outlined below for more step by step details and explanations:

  • Call 121 (Airtel customer service representative) through the Airtel sim card you want to know its number
  • Follow the prompts as the robot will be mentioning an options
  • Select the option to know your telephone number
  • Finally, you will hear the numbers that will be calling out, hence, that is your number.
  • Then write it on paper.

Method 3. Calling a Nearby Friend(s)

The last and most simplest method of how to know the number of any Airtel sim card which I have in the list is calling or flashing any of your friends that is nearby.

If we say Flashing, as a Nigerian, you must have known what we are referring to, right? If you have never been heard of it before, please let me now through the comment section to enable explain much more!!

As a matter of fact, with flashing you nearby friend, you can know your Airtel telephone number. For more information on how to do, please read the paragraphs below thoroughly:

  • Call or text an SMS message to your nearest friends
  • Immidiately, you will know your number if the phone start ringing
  • Thus, write it down or save it in your phone as My Airtel Number immidiately.


I can know the reason why you are here! You’re purposely here to know how to use USSD code in Knowing the telephone number of your Airtel network, right?

If I didn’t guess wrongly, then this is the direct code: *121*3*4#.

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Read this content also: how to logically know the telephone number of the person who has in a criminal way loaded an Airtel recharge card.

Abdulrazaq Yahaya

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Emilia inyang

    good evening sir/ma
    my name is Emilia inyang with mobile number 08021586355
    I bought an Airtel recharge card on loading the card I was told that the card has been used by another customer
    please I want to know the customer that load the card
    probably his name, current address and phone number.
    Below is the recharge pin;
    Thank you.

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