How long does a new blog take to appear on search results

If you have just started blogging, this question must enter your mind “how long does a new blog take to appear on search results such as Google search, Yahoo search, Bing search, etc”. In today’s article, we have got you covered.

Don’t panic when you don’t see your blog appearing on the search result while you see other people’s. Because I will show you why it is like that and how to solve it.

Are you interested to know why your blog is not appearing on the search results and how you can make it start appearing? Or are you currently following all the tips needed to be practiced as thought by SEO experts and simply want to know how long will your effort start to take effect?

Now, let’s start.

When it comes to blogging, everyone knows none of the best ways to do it. You could make a lot of money as a blogger and be very successful in your career. In this article, I shall show you how long a new blog takes to appear on search results.

Before you start making money from your blog, you need to get people who would read your article regularly preferably from search results like Google, Yahoo, and other search engines.

The amount interval of time that it will take you to start seeing your new blog on search results depends on the types of posts (articles) you publish.

Your blog’s content will be indexed by the search engine, but it can take weeks or even months before that happens. The good news is that the longer your content stays, the more likely it is to appear in the search results.

However, according to, if your site has low-quality content or poor SEO practices, it may not appear at all in those results until after years of blogging.

How to make your new blog appear on search results

Promoting your blog posts is a good practice to make if you want to force your blog easily get found or regularly seen.

Every time a new article is made on your blog, share it on your social media channels and also advise your readers to do the same. Invest your time in sharing your blog content via email marketing and paid advertising. Request other people to write a review for your work or scale your writing skill

Allow other people to write a guest post on your blog in order to boost your blog’s fame.

One difficult thing about predicting how long it will take a blog post to rank in search results is that one size cannot fit all as to what and how you write your blog’s posts is different from mine or others.

Here are some factors that determine how long your blog will take to appear on search results.

  • The quality of your content (which can be affected by actions you take)
  • The number of people searching for keywords related to your content.
  • Appropriate use of keywords, title tags, heading tags, and meta tags.

The more valuable your content is to your readers, the higher it will rank in search results. Backlinks also contribute to your blog easily appearing on search results.

How long does it take for a new blog to start to appear on search results

For your blog to start appearing on Search Results Pages (SERPs), it must:

  • Be around for more than six months
  • Has at least 15 unique pages
  • Contain an article with at least one thousand words each
  • Use high-quality images.

Please note that if it’s a new post you publish on your blog which it’s been around longer than six months then chances are good that it’ll appear on SERPs within 24 hours

In the world of blogging, you won’t see results right away, but it will happen. The key is that you should keep publishing content and promoting them to increase the number of people who visit.

If you have started seeing traffic (viewers) after three months of the establishment of your blog, then that means you’re doing something right.

As a blogger, please note that it takes time to build an audience, authority, trust, and reputation. But if you do your blogging the right way, you could accomplish all these in a year.


In conclusion, how long a new blog takes to appear on search results depends on your niche (the topic of the posts you publish on your blog), and how well you promote it.

Last but not the least, search engines do not look for new content from new authors. But if you keep publishing quality content and promoting them like crazy (even though this takes time), then eventually Google will notice that there’s a new author on board and rank your site higher in search engine results.

If you know that this article has helped you know how long a new blog does take to appear on search results, then please share it with your friends and remember to comment with any questions you may have to ask.

Read this also: Top best security plugins for bloggers.

Abdulrazaq Yahaya

Hi. Welcome to Fastknowers. On this blog, I share articles on how to develop your personal and career life. If you did like this article, please share it with others.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Priscilla Chan

    After reading this article, I have known why my newly created blog is not showing up on search engine results yet. Sir, please can you tell us how we can boost it? My blog is three months old now yet it is not showing up on Google and other search results. 🙏🙏

    1. Abdulrazaq Yahaya

      Thank you for finding this article helpful. As for your question on boosting it to start showing on search results, there is nothing like that other than commiting to write high-quality helpful traffic-driven articles like other bloggers do. That is the only secret. Do not give up. Keep going. Thank you.

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