Should you become old before you marry? How many years is needed for man before he should decide to get a girlfriend? Here, in this post, we will discuss with you how manly you should be before you get a wife.
Women are not created to suffer. They are created to be under the control of men throughout their life on earth. In some religions and cultures, especially Islam, it is believed that after the worldly life of two couples, they would meet in the next world (hereafter) and continue their lives as couples.
When it’s come to getting married, there are some things you have to notice about yourself. It is not only when you can feed yourself and two or four persons matters. In this article, we will discuss what marriage entails.
What we normally referred to as marriage is when two couples stay for four to five years or for ever without quarreling and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, a broken relationship is better than a managed or disgraced marriage.
As a man, however, you have to know that they will be criticism from your partner in future if she has started seeing what she didn’t plan for. Before the, try not to be an ordinary husband but be an extra ordinary one.
One thing people usually ask us is how manly they can become before they should have a girlfriend or wife. Well, that is a good question! Please continue reading as we will provide an answer below.
First of all, before you propose to any girl, make sure that girls notice manliness of a guy. They do that for many reasons. They need a man who is able to take care all their lives. They don’t need a guy who is lazy to propose to them.
Now, let’s explain how manly you should be before getting a wife or girlfriend.
How to be more manly and attractive
- Fluency.
- Versed.
- Be yourself.
- Do something on your own.
- Look handsome.
- Don’t be under someone.
- Seriousness.
- Regularity.
- Open-minded.
- Carefulness.
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How manly are you to get a wife
1. Fluency
One of the characteristics of manliness every girl wants about a guy is his fluency. Before you get a girlfriend, try to make sure you are fluent in speaking language, smart, intelligent, etc. Anytime you are speaking, speak from the mouth.
In the event that you stermmer, be careful when talking to a girl you love to propose to. Don’t let her quickly notice your stammering.
To be manly before you get a girlfriend or wife simply means you must not fear to talk no matter the situation. In any place you find yourself, don’t fear to talk. Talk as much as possible. Don’t feel shy to propose to a girl.
2. Versed
To become manly enough to get a wife, you have to be versed. You have to have a skill, knowledge or career. Girls like a guy who is versed and can introduce himself in anytime and place.
You have to show to girl you are proposing to what skill or hobby you are good at. You can also let her know the career you like and currently engaged. But please make sure it must be the in demanded one.
3. Be yourself
If you are searching how manly you should be before you get a wife, then first of all, make sure you are totally be yourself. Don’t depend on others for clothing, sheltering, feeding, etc.
According to Psychologists, girls like to easily accept a proposal from a guy who is the boss of himself. To become manly, you must first be yourself.
4. Do something on your own
To be manly to get a wife, you must be able to do something on your own. Be manly, be your yourself. Don’t under the control of anybody.
5. Look handsome
Looking handsome to girls also definitely count you among men that are manly to get wife.
6. Don’t be under someone
If you are asking for how manly you should before you can get a wife, you have to make sure you are not under someone. We have been saying this! Have something to do for a living.
Look a means of struggle for survival.
7. Seriousness
When you are proposing to a girl, be serious. Seriousness lets girl notice your manliness. If you are not serious, they would think you are not a man.
8. Regularity
No girl will accept your proposal immediately you propose to them. Hence, you have to be regular. Anytime you meeting her, remind her your discussion. Definitely, she will accept.
No matter how handsome you are, no girl will ever propose to you. It is you that will propose to them. You have to keep proposing to her regularly until she accept. This regularity alone show how manly you should before you get a wife.
9. Open-minded
Tell girl your thought and observation. Don’t over hide something. Be open-minded to girl, surely she will love you.
If you are having a trip to go, let your wife get an idea about it a month or week to it. Or if you are planning to buy new thing, let her know. Doing this will notice that you are too manly.
10 Carefulness
To show to your wife that you are manly, don’t only orally say it but also prove it. Show carefulness toward her. Don’t show her half love and give the rest to other girls, those that are giving out will not be useful to you.
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