Are you a proprietor of a school and searching how to create your school’s website? Or are you a student and being given an assignment/project to create a school website? Today, I will show you how to create a website for a school very fast for free.
Website is a voice. It even speaks more faster and better than human being. If you want people to easily get in torch with you or get important information about the system of your school, then you have to choose to own a website. Owning a school website also enable parents and students have trust you.
A professionally designed websites invite more people to use it. If your own website runs negatively, for example, loads slowly, get downtime regularly, then it scares people away.
By following the steps and instruction shown here, you will know how to create a school website. Perhaps, anyplace you become confused, please let us know. Indeed, we will assist you in no time.
Now, let’s start.
How to create a school website (for free)
- Check the availability of name that you want to give to your website.
- Buy domain.
- Buy hosting.
- Install Content Management System (CMS).
- Activate a theme.
- Download plugin.
- Create images and logo that you will use on your website.
- Write educational contents.
- Determine your website’s analytics.
- Hire us to assist you.
#1. Check the availability of name that you want to give to your website
The number one step involved in creating any type of website is checking its availability. Any web hosting registrar can help you do that. Do you want to check whether the name which you want to give to your school website available or not?
I will show you how to check it with Namecheap. Note that you can check it with any hosting registrar. Please follow the procedures below.
First, visit Namecheap’s website by clicking here.

#2. Buy domain
After confirming the availability of it, now you can continue to buy your domain. Sometimes, the domain extension which you like may not be available. Though that is not the end of your life as you will automatically be provided with the available one
For example, if you intending to buy a domain with an extension: .com, you will provided with .org or .biz or .net, etc. if .com is not available for the domain name of your choice. If it is Namecheap you check it with, you will be notified that the TLD is unsupported.
Now, if you found a domain extension which you like, you can click add to cart button and continue to checkout. Domain extension may affect the price that you are going to pay. If the type of an industry which you want to use your domain for is competitive, then choose more expensive domain TLD domain extension does affect SEO.
#3. Buy hosting
If you have a domain name, you can’t use it unless you host it with a hosting registrar. The company that sell you domain can still sell you hosting. However, if you decide to buy hosting from other company or use your domain as an add-on domain on another hosting, then you can do so.
Hosting is the act of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more websites.
To buy hosting for your domain, visit Namecheap website via https://www.namecheap.com/, click Hosting at the Menu bar, select shared hosting, choose any plan of your choice and continue to check out.
Read this also: how to open music website for people to download and earn money.
#4. Install Content Management System (CMS)
After the successful completion of checkout, you will receive a mail from Namecheap about your receipt including your method of payment, address, next due payment date and many more. They will also send you your cpanel login details via mail. Now, you can login to your cpanel to install CMS.
CMS stand for content management system. They are different CMSs in the internet. The most popular used CMSs are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento and more. We use WordPress CMSc to develop and design any type of website and blog.
For security reason, the CMS of your website must be installed from your cpanel. Here are the procedures about how to install Content Management System (CMSs) from cpanel using Softaculous.
Step one: login to your control panel (cpanel)
Go to your control panel (e.g. cPanel, Directadmin, etc) login page and enter the correct login details.
Now look for Softaculous icon in the control panel as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the Softaculous icon which will take you to the Softaculous enduser panel.
Step two: select WordPress
Once you are on the Softaculous enduser panel, you will need to search for WordPress as shown in the screenshot below.
This will take you to the WordPress page, click on the Install button here which will display the install form.
Step three: fill the installation form
After clicking on the Install button, you need to fill in the form displayed as shown in the screenshot below. The form asks lots of details (which are prefilled by default), you can change it if you need or leave it as it is and proceed with the installation with default values.
Choose Installation URL : Choose the domain and the folder where you want to install WordPress.
Note : If you want to install WordPress in document root i.e. example.com and NOT in a sub directory i.e. example.com/wp then leave the In Directory field as blank.
Admin Username : Choose the username to be used for WordPress admin account
Admin Password : Choose the password to be used for WordPress admin account
Admin Email : Choose the email to be used for WordPress admin account
Select Language : Select the language in which you want to install WordPress
After filling the form click on the Install button to start the installation process.
Sit back and relax, let Softaculous handle the installation process for you.
Step four: success.. Installation has completed
You will see the success message when the installation is completed.
After installing WordPress CMS software on your account, you can now access your site or share it with others.
Before you start sharing it, here are somethings you have to make sure you must do.
Customize/beautify it by activating a theme
The design that comes with your newly installed WordPress website may not look good according to your school uniform, logo, brand and many more. Hence, it is a necessity to customize its appearance and layout.
Make it carry out some functions by downloading plugin
If you need your website to exhibit some certain functions, example, displaying your school admission registration form across your website, this will require you to download plugin.
Plugin acts like application in website. Without knowing how to code, you can create a professional website yourself downloading and installing themes and plugins on your website.
You can download as many plugins as you want. But we advise that the number of active plugins on your site should not be more than 7. Always verify the source you download plugin from. Any plugin that you don’t use, delete it from your website, don’t just deactivate it.
Create images and logo that you will use on your website
In this step, if you are not good at creating logo and image for yourself, then hire or employ someone to do that for you. Perhaps, you can also visit an image resource’s websites such as pixabay.com or unsplash.com to download any image of your choice free of charge.
Do not download image from other websites and upload it on your website. It violates copyright law. In fact, doing so affects your SEO.
Write educational contents
Everybody can write but it is not everybody can write an SEO optimized article. We have doing SEO since decades, hence, we know both ins and out tricks in building an SEO optimized website.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the system of making an content that allows search engine such as Google, Bing, etc. easily rank it in the best position. If you own an educational website for your school, the way you write your own article must not be the same with the other website whose their own is about to restaurant or saloon.
Determine your website’s analytics
Another way to grow your school website is determining your analytics. They are many tools in the market which can help you do that free of charge. Some of the tools include; MonsterInsight, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc.
Determining your website’s analytics will help you know how many people visit your website, what they are doing upon their visit, their age, country, interest, etc. Checking your analytics regularly will show you where to focus more on your website.
If you need help, feel free to hire us to assist you
How does hiring us work?
Creating a school website can be a big task. However, our experience allows us to make the process simple. We will do everything needed to design and create your new school website design. All you have to do is provide the content (text, images etc.) for your website and we will do the rest.
When you’re ready to get started we will send you a content form where you can add your school information and text for each website page. We will also provide you with access to our secure portal where you can upload all of the images and files for your school website.
From there we will create the initial design for you to review. We want to create a site that you will love and to do that we listen to you. Once we have addressed any design requests we will move on to building your website and adding all of your pages and content.
As soon as the site is built, we will notify you to review it again and then move to the testing phase. We test your school website on different browsers and devices to ensure it works well everywhere. When we have completed the testing phase we will connect your new school website to your domain.
With your new school website built and tested it’s ready for launch. Once the design fee is paid we will provide you with access to your website so you can manage and update it going forward. You will need to subscribe to a builder plan to host the site. These plans can be paid on a monthly or annual basis.
We offer free support and video guides to help you manage your website going forward.
We know your time is precious so we’ve made it easier to get a quote. Hope this page will help you know how to create a school website for yourself and others? Feel free to get in torch with us via the form below for more information.