In this article today we’ll show you how to study for JAMB examination within two (2) weeks in 2023, i.e, when the exam is around the corner. Do you want to see how to study for JAMB examination with focus within two weeks, if yes is your answer, then keep reading!!
You may have been hearing that JAMB exam is hard or difficult to sit for, I can not assure you how difficult or easy of sitting for it is, because I probably do not know how you prepare.
It is no longer a news that it is anything that you wanted to be, you must be. Do you think what I have said is true? Then say yes to your jamb examination success.
Read this also: how to create JAMB profile with NIN in 2023 with mobile phone by yourself.
In this today’s article, I will show you how you can study within two weeks for jamb examination.
JAMB examination is either easy or difficult, it all depends on how you study or your preparedness that give you joy or vise versa.
How to study for JAMB examination and pass amazingly for 2023
The guides that I will show you below are authentic and they are useful for every JAMB candidate who wants to study for JAMB and get high score just with in two weeks only.
Do you want to study for JAMB exam in two weeks and pass, then below are the top ten best tips we have to show you and they are shown below:
- Avoid anyhow socialization
- Your intention should be to pass JAMB exam only
- Study with past question
- Learn and try to understand
- Meet a person who knows more than you
- Try to get jamb latest news regularly as often as possible, for example, two times in a week
- Do not cram past questions
- Memorize important formulae (opposite of formula) in your subject
- Download and activate JAMB cbt app on your mobile phone
- Change your social behavior to positive status if it is negative before.
Let’s start to explain them one-by-one. For this time, I am going to explain only the first four points to you which I have listed above. So, let’s continue!!
Read this also: documents you need to get before you will can register for JAMB in 2021 (no these documents, no JAMB registration, please note).
According to jamb bulletin which we have got today, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has started releasing examination information to it candidates who are waiting to sit for jamb examination in 2023, as a result of this news, start checking your email address or jamb profile now and reprint your jamb slip.
1. Stop socializing anyhow
If you’re a popular guy or lady in your community or vicinity, you may find impossible to read for JAMB.
Studying JAMB in order to score 250 and above doesn’t coexist with playing. Meanwhile, you should stop doing flexing for some reason.
However, we’re not telling you to abstain from your friends but maintain and restrain if you’ve started preparing for your exam.
If your friend who you socialize with has knowledge in the field (course) that you will want to study, then associate with him/her deeply, because he/she can be your mentor thereby making you to pass in exam.
2. Study to pass JAMB only
Jamb syllabus is very wide to cover, but you should do to go through all the core topics that are seem to be asked from the syllabus.
When you start preparing for JAMB exam, you will personally discover that you did wrongly for yourself in the past.
You will say that “had it been I know, I should have been reading for JAMB in order to be able to go through all the essential syllabi”
In that stage, your behavior will must change positively and you will also start to be studying curiously more than before.
See this also: how to apply for MTN foundation scholarship as a Nigerian smart and intelligent 200 level undergraduate student in 2023.
If your studying is taking deeply, as in reading any books anyhow, while your aim of reading is to pass JAMB once and for all, then your aim could be in vain.
Let me tell you why your aim could be in vain while you are a student who read a lot.
You should consider and know that as you are preparing, your aim is not to be intelligent in all fields but to pass JAMB, because one servant can not serve two services at a time.
If you are an Engineering student, then you should read only books that relate to Engineering courses otherwise, you will fail in the JAMB examination.
3. Study with past questions
There is no any year that you can not find past questions (already asked before) in JAMB examination, so we urge you to study with past questions.
But the way you should prepare for JAMB examination with past question must be in a smart manner.
You shouldn’t cram all the questions in the past question and their exact answers.
Study them and understand, because JAMB does change the option of the answer of questions in every year if luckily or probably they ask the candidate from past question.
4. Study hard and rest more
It is no longer a news that the higher you rest, the more you would get quick understanding of what you read. As you are resting, be thinking about what you have read.
Stay positive as you are preparing to pass in JAMB in order to stay safe.
Whenever you you are about to lose concentration while reading, then give yourself some breaks so that you should regain more focuses when you will continue.
Most students cannot continue to read if they are tired. If you are a such student, then resting very much before reading is the remedy.
Do not persist to read when you are weak but stop so as to let you do more and more stronger in the next resumption.
If you know that this article has helped you know how to study for JAMB examination within only two (2) weeks in 2023 and pass very well, then share this content on Facebook or Twitter.
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