Are you a prospective candidate of ABU Zaria Post UTME examination in 2021? Or do you want to know more about ABU Post UTME registration and examination date for 2021?
In this article, I am going to discuss ABU Post UTME for 2021, how you can apply for ABU Post UTME step by step, requirements or eligibilities to apply for ABU Post UTME in 2021/2022 academic session, when ABU Post UTME registration and examination start, important things you have to know about ABU Post UTME and lots more.
ABU is an acronym which stands for Ahmadu Bello University. It’s a Federal university located in Zaria, Kaduna state Nigeria. ABU Zaria is one of the top best federal universities in Nigeria as at this year.
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Now, let’s start discussing ABU post utme 2021/2022 academic session!!
Latest news about ABU Post UTME registration and examination date
I am here in this article to inform all jamb UTME and DE candidates who applied for 2021/2022 academic session admission of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and who made ABU their first choice of institution that the 2021/2022 ABU Zaria Post UTME/DE Exercises is going to start from 13th September and will end on 3rd October, 2021.
ABU Post UTME 2021 eligibilities
ABU Post UTME 2021 registration can only be applied by candidates scored 180 points and above in JAMB 2021 examination while Direct Entry Candidates are required to just pay a screening fee and upload a scanned copy of their GCE Advanced Level, IJMBE ‘A’ Level, NCE or Diploma result on their student profile.

To register for the 2021/2022 ABU Zaria Post UTME screening Exercise, candidates are required to visit and login to ABU post UTME registration portal and follow the instructions as given below.
If you are a new applicant (Not PUTME Candidate), you just need to create a profile and later select the type of form you wish to buy. If you already have an account, login with your credentials to purchase ABU post utme 2021 form.
Applicants are required to pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000.00) only online as ABU Post UTME registration fee.
ABU post utme payment for 2021/2022 academic session must be made via REMITA using the option of POS (Point of Sale) at designated offices within the Campus, online, or by printing the REMITA RETRIEVAL REFERENCE (RRR) Slip and proceeding to any nearest Nigerian commercial Bank.
The good news is that ABU post utme candidates are not required to travel to Zaria for post utme payment as they can pay it online.
Meanwhile, all candidates for the 2021/2022 ABU Zaria Post utme screening exercise are required to come along on their examination date with their 2021 original JAMB result printout and they should also print out their post utme registration completion slip.
And those that have registered for the 2020/2021 academic session are not needed to register again.
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Any UTME/DE candidate of ABU post utme who fails to REGISTER online for the Screening Exercise as instructed above will not be eligible for admission into Ahmadu Bello University.
ABU post utme 2021 examination date for all faculties
ABU Post UTME 2021 screening exercise date for all faculties was scheduled and shown below:
Social Sciences | October 4th, 2021 | Monday |
1. Engineering 2. Environmental Design | October 5th, 2021 | Tuesday |
1. Education 2. Law | October 6th, 2021 | Wednesday |
1. Agriculture 2. Pharmaceutical Sciences 3. Physical Sciences 4. Life Sciences 5. Veterinary Medicine | October 7th, 2021 | Thursday |
1. ABU Business School (Accounting, Actuarial Science, Business Administration Banking & Finance Economics, Marketing & Insurance) 2. Administration and 3. Arts. | October 8th, 2021 | Friday |
College of Medical Sciences (Medicine, Dental Surgery, Radiography, Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing, Human Anatomy and Human Physiology). | October 9th, 2021 | Saturday |
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