Are you looking for what to do to have a cool regular income? In this article, I am going to show you the list of all the best and most lucrative skills you should acquire in Nigeria this year.
What it’s acquired is far better in any way than what it’s observed. Hence, my advice for you; is don’t just look at everything as a small thing. Instead, hide your pride and learn.
As a matter of fact, do not let any day pass you without learning new thing.
As time passes, you have now come to realize that you should have acquired a lucrative skill to use in taking care of yourself and your family.
Remember, no knowledge is a waste!!
If I am not lying, this article you are reading right now is one of the skills I have acquired and now it’s my part-time occupation. That is, I learned how to create an article. You may see our expert guide on how to improve your writing skills as a blogger.
In this post today, I want to for free of charge show you what skill acquisition means and how to learn anyone you like and profit from it.
What does skill acquisition mean and how do find one to learn
Skill acquisition simply refers to the process of learning strange things either physically or emotionally.
Do you want to know the top skills you need to learn, acquire, or cultivate to be competent in any country?
Note that no skill can make you get money quickly overnight. However, it’s you can make it happen. That is, don’t just learn a skill and go and relax.
You can get a fortune from little achievements. A beggar can become rich if he regularly keeps begging with the focus always.
Similarly, a person from a rich family can become poor if he doesn’t know how to multiply his family’s properties.
Do you not want to have your own money without completely depending on your parents? Moreover, it’s not ideal to over-depend.
In one of the previous articles which I have written, I talked very much about the life of an over-dependent person.
Now, let me stop this long discussion and start showing you the list of all the best skills to acquire in this century.
Best skills to acquire
The following skills are the very best for you to acquire in Nigeria in 2021. These skills are very lucrative, employable, and enjoyable.
1. Medical healthcare learning

Have you ever been to a hospital and seen different nurses? Let me tell you, those nurses are not verified or qualified.
If you’re finding profitable hand work or skill you should acquire, then don’t look further again.
Meet the manager of any hospital you want to learn health treatment in and discuss your intention with him/her.
For him/her to accept quickly, go there with your strict family member or parents.
2. Photographic or graphic designing

In the early paragraph of this article, I hope you saw the image, right? That image you have seen is the service of a graphic designer.
I am not a learned graphic designer, though I created that image from scratch. In Nigeria now (presently), graphic designers are in high demand.
Every day, people must have programs (birthdays, marriage, burial ceremonies, and lots more), so, they must need banners to pass information to the largest population of people.
Graphic designing is one of the very important skills to acquire because of the nature of work, they can work from anywhere.
As a very skilled graphic designer, you can be employed or work for yourself and earn money very lucrative.
3. Tailoring

When i didn’t understand something too much like this time, I thought that tailoring was female handwork, thus it’s useless to learn if a person is male. But now that I have understood very well, I have known the respect of a tailor.
If you want to wear a cultural dress (native), then it’s a skilled tailor must do it for you.
Now, almost everybody in society especially Moslems likes to wear native clothes.
As a result of that, the tailor is the best and most lucrative skill you can acquire.
4. Building consultant

Everything about the building is very expressive, do you know? And every day people are building or intending to build houses.
Do you know that if you learn any building-related skills, you will be financially stable on your own?
If you know, then try to learn any of the following skills listed below:
- Plastering
- Roofing
- Painting
- Wiring
- Construction and
- ETC.
5. Electrician

An electrician is one of the building works or services. This skill is involved in learning how electronic bulbs or lights should be mounted in the house.
This skill is very risky because the little thing you mistakenly put wrongly can burn the whole building.
Thus, be mindful of acquiring the electrical skill to an end.
If you’re a qualified or verified electrician, money will never be scarce for you, believe me.
Please also know that if you don’t learn it skillfully, people will not give you work, because they know that their house will burn.
6. Copywriting

Do you think that writing is a small thing to handle easily? Although, you may be a writer but not a good writer. You may see our expert guide on the top 21 free Google tools every blogger should use.
Practicing how to become a good writer is one of the skills that many people are learning presently right now.
Why should you learn how to become a good writer while you can be able to write?
The answer is that everything has transformed to online, thus, to let people know what you sell or what service you offer, you must write.
I am not insulting you that you don’t know what to write, please.
What good writing means is the motivation or comfort of the readers of your writing.
If people are offended while reading what you have written, then you need to learn how to write in a pleading way so that people can attend to what you want to say.
7. House cleaning

I met one humble guy recently, do you know what he does for a living? He cleans gardens, environments, buildings, and compounds!
According to him, he said that he would reject it if the Nigerian federal government handed him an employment letter.
Because of what? He is very balanced financially.
You can also start learning it now for a living. And also know that there are some things which people succeeded in doing while other people failed in doing the same thing.
8. Dressing

Dressing or makeup is one of the best skills to acquire. If your job is to dress for people decently, you will be invited to occasions and ceremonies.
Most people who are having a wedding or marriage are not the ones that dress for themselves.
They must invite skilled dressers to dress for them to look handsome and pretty.
As a result of that, dressing is a very lucrative or profitable skill that you can learn.
9. Motivational speaking

What is Motivational speaking and how is it one of the best skills to acquire in Nigeria? Do you want to know why Motivational speaking can help you succeed financially?
Motivational speaking is commonly known as MC or master of ceremony in Nigeria.
While MC stands for master of the ceremony, DJ stands for Disk Jockey.
If motivational speaking is your skill, either you learned it in school or you just acquired it, you will be invited to the occasion of big men where you can speak for them while entertaining the audience or people. You may our guide on how should students start a blog.
Companies can even employ you to do motivational speaking services for them.
Please note that motivational speaking is speaking that motivates the audience(s).
10. Gadget repairing

Gadget refers to computers. Anything that can connect to the internet like mobile phones or laptops is called a gadget.
If you learn how to maintain, use, and repair them, you will never suffer! Gadget repairing like repairing a phone is very lucrative.
Hence, gadget repair is one of the best skills to acquire. You can study computer engineering while taking BootCamp or apprentices to learn gadget repairing.
It’s very simple to learn if you’re serious.
11. Welding

Welding is a skill that involves combining irons.
The name of the person who does welding is a welder. They are the people who make iron doors. Every day, people are building houses, and a house without a door is nothing.
People prefer iron doors to wood ones nowadays, thus, a very skilled person who welds iron doors must be demanded.
12. Furniture

Furniture is the combination of wood to make a usable thing. This should be done by a highly skilled person as it involves measurements.
Chairs, beds, tables lockers, and lots more and made from wood which was gathered and arranged with professional furniture.
If you have a passion for learning this handwork, then go and learn because it’s one of the best skills to acquire in Nigeria in 2021.
13. Driving

It’s like I forgot to mention driving, right? No, please I didn’t forget. Driving is the king of all handwork. There is no skill that is better than driving, believe me.
People are traveling every day, hence, learning the skill of driving will not be in vain.
I have been seeing many people who have turned part-time driving into a full-time occupation.
Why is it like that, you asked? The reason is simple and it’s that driving is a very lucrative and employable skill.
You can find a job driving today and get employed immediately.
14. Repairing of transportation machine

Please don’t think that machine is only for the one you ride. Any tool that makes you do work faster is a machine.
Meanwhile, a person who is very skilled in repairing machines is not jobless.
You can learn how to repair bicycles, motorcycles, tricycles, or even cars.
If you learn any of the skills I listed above, employment or money will never scarce you in Nigeria or abroad.
15. Salesmanship

Another profitable and lucrative skill you should consider learning in 2021 is salesmanship.
As a salesman or woman, you don’t do anything, what you will do is be in the shop regularly and sell goods or services to people for person thereby making you become an expert dealer.
For example, you can learn how to sell motorcycle materials but that doesn’t mean that you must be a verified and learned motorcycle mechanic.
I have concluded the best skills to acquire. If you think that it’s helpful, then please share it with your friends.
Now that you have acquired a skill or are about to start acquiring one, it is time to market your skill set to people in the marketplace because if you don’t sell, you won’t earn, you may see our guide on how to register a .com domain to get a website for your business.
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