Intending to study Electrical and Electronics Engineering and searching for course outline of it so that you should where to focus to read in your text books? If yes, then this article has got you covered!!
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Interestingly, it can be studied in Polytechnic and University.
It a course that require students to spend five years in the university. While one year is divided into two semesters, then the overall semesters that an electrical and electronics students spend in the university to obtain degree is ten semesters.
Now, let’s get to discuss with you the curriculum or course outline of electrical and electronics engineering.
Read this also: JAMB subject combination for all Engineering courses in 2022/2023.
Electrical and electronics Engineering curriculum
The curriculum or course outline for electrical and electronics engineering in any Nigerian university are discussed below:
For first year (100 level)
In the first year you are being admitted into 100 level to study electrical and electronics engineering in any Nigerian university, the following are your course outline:
First Semester
MTH 111 | Elementary Mathematics I (Algebra and Trigonometry) |
MTH 112 | Elementary Mathematics II (Statistics for Physical Science and Engineering) |
PHY 111 | General Physics I (Mechanics, Heat and Properties of Waves) |
PHY 113 | General Physics laboratory 1 |
CHM 111 | General Chemistry I (Physical Chemistry) |
CHM 113 | General Chemistry laboratory 1 |
CSC 111 | Introduction to Computing I |
GST 111 | Communication in English I |
GST 112 | Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence |
GST 113 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture |
IDS 111 | Rudiments of Christian Life |
FRN 111 | Communication in French I |
Second Semester
MTH 121 | Elementary Mathematics II (Vectors and Geometry) |
MTH 122 | Elementary Mathematics III (Calculus) |
PHY 121 | GGeneral Physics II (Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics) |
PHY 123 | General Physics laboratory 11 |
CHM 121 | General Chemistry II (Organic Chemistry) |
CHM 123 | General Chemistry laboratory 1 |
CSC 121 | Introduction to Computing II |
GST 121 | Use of Library, Study Skills and ICT |
GST 122 | Communication in English II |
GST 124 | History and Philosophy of Science |
IDS 121 | Christian Life |
FRN 121 | Communication in French II |
ENG 120 | Foundational Student’s Work Experience Programme (PRE-SWEP) |
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For second year (200 level)
First Semester
ENG 211 | Basic Electrical Engineering I |
ENG 212 | Engineering Drawing I |
ENG 213 | Workshop Technology I |
ENG 214 | Basic Fluid Mechanics |
ENG 215 | Engineering Mechanics I |
ENG 216 | Engineering Mathematics I |
ENG 217 | Strength of Materials |
ENG 218 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
ENG 219 | Engineering Computer Programming |
ENG 210 | Engineering Laboratory 1 |
Second Semester
ENG 221 | Basic Electrical Engineering II |
ENG 222 | Engineering Drawing II |
ENG 223 | Workshop Technology II |
ENG 224 | Engineering Laboratory 1 |
ENG 225 | Engineering Mechanics II |
ENG 226 | Engineering Mathematics II |
ENG 227 | Materials Science |
ENG 228 | Engineer in Society |
ENG 220 | Students’ Work Experience Programme (SWEP) |
GST 222 | Peace and Conflict Resolution |
For third year (300 level)
First Semester
ENG 311 | Engineering Mathematics III |
ENG 312 | Energy Technology 1 |
EEE 310 | Electrical Circuit Theory I |
EEE 311 | Electrical Machines I |
EEE 312 | Electronic Engineering I |
EEE 313 | Electrical/Electronic Laboratory I |
EEE 314 | Electromagnetic Field Theory |
EEE 315 | Measurements & Instrumentation I |
EEE 316 | Electrical Properties of Materials |
Second Semester
ENG 321 | Engineering Mathematics IV |
ENG 320 | Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) I |
ENT 328 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship Practical |
ENG 322 | Energy Technology 11 |
EEE 320 | Electrical Circuit Theory II |
EEE 321 | Electrical Machines II |
EEE 322 | Electronic Engineering II |
EEE 323 | Electrical/Electronic Laboratory II |
EEE 324 | Electromagnetic Wave Theory |
EEE 325 | Communication Principles I |
For fourth year (400 level)
First Semester
ENG 411 | Technical Report Writing and Presentation |
EEE 410 | Electric Energy Generation, Installation & Utilization |
EEE 411 | Electrical Machines III |
EEE 412 | Measurements & Instrumentation II |
EEE 413 | Electrical/Electronics Laboratory III |
EEE 414 | Communication Principles II |
EEE 415 | Control Theory |
EEE 416 | Electronic Circuits I |
EEE 417 | Electrical Engineering Mathematical Methods |
Second Semester
ENG 420 | Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) II |
For fifth year (500 level)
First Semester
ENG 511 | Engineering Economics & Management |
EEE 510 | Electric Energy Transmission and Distribution |
EEE 511 | Electronic Circuits II |
EEE 500 | Project |
EEE 512 | Maintenance and Reliability Engineering |
EEE 513 | Digital Signal Processing |
Students to register one electronic option or one power option | |
Second Semester
ENG 521 | Engineering Law |
EEE 520 | Electric Drives and Power Electronics |
EEE 521 | Electrical Services Design |
EEE 500 | Project Continued from First Semester |
EEE 522 | Industrial Electronic Design |
Students to register one electronic option or one power option | |
EEE 516 | Microwave & Satellite Communications |
EEE 517 | Microelectronics Fabrication Technique |
EEE 518 | Industrial Utilization of Electric Power |
EEE 519 | Power Systems Engineering |
EEE 523 | Telecommunication Systems |
EEE 524 | Solid State Electronics and Devices |
EEE 525 | Power Electronics and Devices |
EEE 526 | High Voltage Engineering |
EEE 527 | Power Systems, Planning and Design |
Electrical Engineering curriculum table for Polytechnic
As we have earlier said, electrical and electronics engineering can be studied in the university to obtain degree certificate or in polytechnic to obtain ND and HND.
If you want to study it in Nigerian Polytechnic, then be prepare that you will spend four semesters, two semesters for first year or ND1 and two semesters for second year, ND 2.
The electrical and electronics engineering course outline or curriculum for ND program can be peacefully read by clicking here.
If you know that this article has helped you know course outline for electrical and electronics engineering or EEE curriculum, then please share it with your friends and remember to subscribe to our newsletter for more important related updates.
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