No matter what cards your customers carry to use to pay you, POS machine of Zenith bank has the capability to accept all cards irrespective of the issuing bank. Do you want to know how you can get a POS machine from Zenith bank very fast? In this article, I will discuss everything with you step by step.
POS is an acronym which stands for Point of Sale. Zenith bank POS machine can be used to deposit or transfer money from one card to another without any hidden charging fee.
Zenith bank POS machine is a financial inclusion strategy. Zenith bank adopts agency banking by issuing POS machine to an interested person in order to bring banking services closer to the people who live in the communities that is farer to the their branch.
POS agent banking allows individuals to render basic financial services to customers on behalf of the bank.
If you get a POS machine from Zenith bank, you’ll be able to offer banking services such as Cash Deposit, Cash withdrawal, Fund transfer, Bills payment, Airtime Recharge to a groups of people in your community and you will be getting paid.
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Now, I am going to show with you how you can apply for Zenith bank POS agent.
How to apply for Zenith bank POS machine and get it very fast
In order to bring banking services closer to the people, especially to the people who live in the location where there is no bank, Zenith Bank carries out an initiative of agency banking (POS initiative).
Zenith bank’s agency banking is operated by a person who is expected to perform banking and financial services like an accountant that is working in the bank hall.
Every where I go in the town, I see Zenith bank or other bank’s POS agent, hence it is now a something that is very popular, thus, if you want to know how to become a successful holder of Zenith bank POS device, what are your requirements and duties?
If you have become a Zenith bank POS agent, the following are some of your duties:
- Account opening
- Cash withdrawal
- Cash deposit
- Funds transfers
- Bills payment
- Airtime Purchase
You can collect a POS machine for your company or business (this one is called Corporate) in order to be collecting money from your customers when they want to use their ATM card to pay you.
Requirements of having a POS terminal of Zenith bank
Zenith Bank Plc has become the first bank in Nigeria that has successfully integrated Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) payments on POS terminal.
This helps customers to pay for goods and services via POS terminals in merchant shops or on eCommerce websites without the use of cards.
To register for Zenith bank POS terminal and get it very fast, please carefully read this article or kindly visit any Zenith bank branch closest to you for more details, requirements, and procedures.
Now, the requirements of how to get POS terminal from Zenith bank for any budget are discussed below step by step:
- Proof of address (utility bill)
- Valid means of identification
- 2 Passport photographs
- An existing retail/business outlet with a trading name and a physical geographical location for a minimum of 12 months.
- An outlet can be a school, market, shopping mall, filling station or any business outlet with reasonable human traffic.
- The outlet should accommodate a dedicated desk/counter and minimum of one (1) staff to handle agent banking services
- Must have maintained an active Zenith bank account for a minimum of 6 months
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If you are intending to collect it for a cooporate account, then the requirements are:
- Proof of address (utility bill)
- Valid means of identification
- 2 Passport photographs
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Memorandum and Article of Association
In conclusion, how to get a POS machine from Zenith bank? The step by step guides to how to apply for POS terminal from Zenith bank are:
- A well completed registration form with the attachment of the required documents listed above
- Please note that there is no any sign-up fee, therefore, be smart
- Visit any nearest Zenith bank branch for more information
- Download your Agent Banking Form
- Or download Merchants Enrolled on Agent Banking form
- After the successful registration, please download POS agent banking mobile app on your phone
Your benefits as a POS agent of Zenith
Making a profit is the main aim of the foundation of every business and commerce.
Below are some of your benefits for being a loyal POS agent of Zenith bank:
- Cash Management, an opportunity to evacuate cash off your retail premises
- Increase in sales/business opportunities as a result of increase in footfall
- Additional income from transaction/services fees and commission
- Opportunity to cross-sell your products/services to walk-in customers
- Zenith bank Point of Sale (POS) terminals have the capability to accept all cards and even accept payment without cards. No matter the type of payment cards your customers are holding and irrespective of the issuing bank.
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Important features of Zenith bank POS machine
- Multi Cards Capability: Zenit bank POS terminals support all major payment cards.
- Fast Payment Processing: Each payment transaction takes between 8 and 15 seconds on an internet connection.
- Quicker Data Reconciliation: You can easily balance your transaction data reports at end of day and customize your reports to ensure there are no loose ends in your accounting.
- Newest Technology Updates: Your business will have the latest hardware and software updates designed to enhance data security and help reduce fraud.
- Standard Industrial Fraud Protection: Zenith bank POS terminals’ compatibility with the new Chip-and-PIN standard helps you prevent fraud.
- High-End Data Security: Take advantage of the latest industry-standard for point-of-sale data security. You will receive the most current security for your terminals including card masking capability.
- Online Reporting Capability: You can conveniently view real time data, search transactions, customize reports, and analyze trends from the Transaction Viewer Portal as they occur. The Settlement Viewer Portal helps breaks down your large-sum settlement into the individual transactions.
- Settlement: Every transaction you processed on the terminals is settled a day after the transactions have occurred. This can be expressed as T+1 where T is the date of the transaction and 1 refers to the next working day.
In conclusion, in the event that you’re looking for a new business which you can start, consider becoming a Zenith bank POS agent service. If you already own a business outlet but want to run another side business along, getting a Zenith bank POS machine is a good idea.
Zenith Agent Banking has given its POS terminal to many individuals and trusted existing retail business outlets in the different communities in order to be providing banking service on its behalf to their customers.
If you’re interested, you can become a Zenith Bank POS agent representative in your area by following the information found in this article.
If you know that we have helped you know how you can get a POS machine from Zenith bank and how you can become Zenith bank’s POS agent, then please subscribe to our newsletter for getting every important information from us via your email address.
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Am satisfied all what you have explain about to get your POS machine thanks so much