Do you want to know the top best tertiary institutions for learning Engineering courses or programmes in Nigeria? If you do, then let you continue reading this article because I am going to show to you the top best tertiary institutions for studying Engineering courses right now in this article.
You are here because you have a passion to study Engineering course, right? Though, the success of most people come from the course and the institution they studied the course.
However, engineering itself is the best course which you can go for but the type of institution you’ll study it should be measured or considered.
In some tertiary institutions, graduands have a very good rate of employment while others don’t.
Read this also: top 20 best Universities in which you should study Pharmacy in 2021.
Now let’s stop here in telling you stories and start showing you the best tertiary institutions for studying Engineering courses.
Advantages Or Importances Of Studying Engineering In The Best Tertiary Institution
But before I proceed to show the list of top tertiary institutions for studying Engineering courses in Nigeria, I will show you the advantages of doing that firstly.
Advantages or importances of studying Engineering course in the best tertiary institutions are:
- Studying Engineering course in the best tertiary institution makes students easily understand the course they are studying
- Presently in Nigeria, employers only need a very skilled engineering students, hence, a student who studied in the best institution are likely the ones they will employ.
- Studying Engineering course in Nigeria is very interesting to students who gain admission into the polytechnic (I haven’t said that University is not good for studying Engineering, please).
- When applying for admission to study Engineering course, kindly choose very well from the schools which their origin is Engineering so that you will learn your course very deep.
Top Best Institutions In Which To Study Engineering Course In 2021
Top best tertiary institutions to study Engineering course in are listed below:
Best Universities For Learning Engineering Course In Nigeria
- University of Benin (UNIBEN)
- Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA)
- Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi (ATBUB)
- Madonna University, Elele, Rivers State
- Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State
Top Best Polytechnics For Studying Engineering Course In Nigeria
- Edo State Polytechnic, Usen, Edo
- Federal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi state
- Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun state
- The Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger state
- Delta State Polytechnic, Ugwashi-Uku, Delta state
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Innovative Entriprise Institutions Which Is Best For Studying Engineering Course
That is, if you study in any of the tertiary institutions listed below, you’ll be given National Innovative Diploma (NID) certificate.
Below are the Innovative Entriprise tertiary (high) institution that are best for you to study Engineering course in:
- Nigerian Television Authority, Television College, Jos, Plateau State
- Complete Computers And Tech Inst, Benin, Edo State
- Maurid Institute of Mgt And Tech, Mbiaso, Akwa Ibom State
- Conarina Maritime Academy, Oria, Abraka
Best College of Education For Engineering Programme
In any College of Education, students are only entitled to learn engineering or technology education.
Meanwhile, below are the best College of Education for studying Engineering or Technology education in Nigeria:
- Federal College Of Education (Tech.), Gombe, Gombe State
- Federal College Of Education, Zaria
- (FCU) Federal College Of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta
- Federal College Of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State
- FCT College Of Education, Zuba, Abuja
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Read this also: how to apply for the admission of part-time programme of any University of your choice in 2021 (ultimate guides).