Writing the JAMB examination is not as easy as it was in the olden days. Just like you may know, every candidate is prone to write the JAMB examination with the computer at this time.
And in this article, I will show you the top best JAMB cbt apps which you can use to prepare for your examination in order to pass very well in the JAMB 2022 examination.
Meanwhile, all JAMB cbt mobile and desktop apps that I am going to show you shortly are the ones that I have used or texted. Thus, if you want to pass JAMB in 2022, please download one of the mobile apps from the following list below.
Presently, JAMB doesn’t set its questions for candidates on paper anymore, that is, every question is programmed inside the computer. In my regular opinion, I think that the jamb exam is very, very easy if you know how to study for it like I am showing below.
Do you want to know how to confidently write a jamb examination and pass very well? Or do you not want to ask a question(s) while you are in the jamb exam hall? In fact, if you study and know the system of where you are going, if you get there, you won’t behave strangely.
This post will answer every important jamb 2022-related and frequently asked questions to you step by step.
If you are going to register and sit for the jamb examination in 2022, we advise you to learn how to use a computer a little if you still have time.
Now, does this mean that if you don’t know how to operate a computer, you will not write a jamb examination? No, of course, you can use computer keyboards to write an examination.
However, to make yourself familiar with how to write a jamb examination very fast, you should download an app that can make you feel that you’re writing the original examination.
By downloading and studying with the jamb cbt-like mobile application which I will show you below, you will score very excellently in an upcoming jamb examination.
Jamb cbt app(s) that I am going to show you how to download, have/has once used by me, thus, I will tell you my honest reviews today about each one of them.
Read this also: how to study for the jamb examination in 2021 within two (2) weeks (step-by-step).
Top best Jamb Cbt apps to pass JAMB examination in 2022
Below is the list of the best jamb cbt app(s) which you can download to your phone now and start studying for the jamb examination in order to pass very well in 2021.
Please if you don’t want to fail the jamb examination, read this article very well and remember to download any app you like too much base on their reviews below.
Now, the best Jamb cbt app(s) for 2021 and their benefits and how to get them are:
#1 Flash Learners jamb cbt app
Do you want to score very excellently in the jamb examination in 2022? If you have answered yes, then get FlashLearners jamb cbt app on your mobile phone now.
This application can be downloaded on any type of android phone from your device’s store (apple store or play store).
That is to say, if you’re using an Apple product mobile device, your device store is the apple store and at the same time, your device store is the play store if you’re using an android phone.
To download FlashLearners jamb cbt app from the play store, you may please click here.
The newly 2021 updated Flash Learners jamb cbt app contains more than 30, 000 (30k) different jamb past questions from decades (1980) to 2021. Importantly, this app gets updated every year.
Jamb questions mostly come out from past examinations, did you know that? Why is it so? It is so because the questions have finished. What jamb does every year now is just changing the patterns of the questions?
Ideally, download Flash Learners to your mobile phone now and start studying for jamb 2022 with it. For more information, click here.
Read this also: how to study for the jamb examination when it’s around the corner like two (2) weeks and still pass.
#2 MySchool.ng app for jamb candidates
Myschool.ng is the top best website for scholarship information within Nigeria and outside. It teaches students particularly jamb candidates how to score very excellently in the examination.
However, it’s very important to have the jamb cbt mobile app on your phone in order to prepare for the jamb examination and pass as you have ever thought. You can get the myschool.ng JAMB cbt app.
To know more about myschooo.ng jamb cbt and how to download it successfully without paying, please click here.
For any question about myschool.ng jamb cbt application, please contact the administrator of myschool.ng and thank you for your understanding!!
#3 Myschoolgist Jamb cbt app for 2022
Myschoolgist.com is the oldest educational website in Nigeria. Countless numbers of jamb candidates have used myschoolgist jamb cbt-like application.
Jamb cbt mobile apps of myschoolgist is free of charge to download. You can download it on any smart android phone.
Myschoolgist or msg jamb cbt mobile application has got everything you need to study for the jamb examination in 2022 and pass very well.
To download it, or for more information about jamb CBT of myschoolgist, please click here.
#4 Benten blog Jamb cbt app
Another best Jamb cbt mobile application that I had used and tested before is the Benten blog Jamb app.
At the time I used it, it was named as Benten blog Jamb cbt app but now it’s the Ismyschool Jamb cbt app. Now, how can you get this mobile application?
Ismyschool cbt app has the following features:
- Unlimited past questions from 1980 to 2020
- The application works normally predominantly offline (i.e, it doesn’t require opening of data)
- It’s got all 23+ (twenty-three plus) jamb o-level subjects.
To know more about the Ismyschool Jamb cbt app, please click here now. For inquiries about anything, you may need help with, contact the administrator of Ismyschool.net at www.ismyschool.net/contact-us/.
#5 Pass.ng
Pass.ng is an educational website founded aimed to help Nigerian students in achieving their academic goals or dream.
By downloading Pass.ng jamb cbt mobile application on your phone, scoring more than 350 points in the jamb examination in 2021 is guaranteed, believe me.
Most importantly, the jamb cbt mobile application of pass.ng is very cheaper than any other one. To download it, please visit their website for more information on how to continue.
Related article: union bank transfer code for Nigeria & ultimate guides.
#6 Edungr jamb study guide
If you’re planning to write a jamb examination this year, 2021 downloading and activating the Edungr jamb cbt mobile application on your android phone should be a must.
Edungr is also known as education for Nigeria by Nigerians. The official website link of Edungr is www.edungr.com in case you need more information.
To download the Edungr jamb cbt application on your phone, simply click here.
#7 Current school news jamb app
Last but not the least, current school news Jamb cbt mobile and desktop application. Current school news is a website that announces the latest or current across every school in Nigeria and in abroad.
Current school news’ Jamb cbt application is constantly updated with new jamb past questions.
Please click here to read more on how to download and activate it step-by-step. Thank you!
Have you chosen an application that you are going to prepare for the jamb examination in 2022? Which one are you or will you use and why? Please let me know how you feel through the comment section.
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Thank you for reading this article and have a nice day!!
Read this also: jamb syllabus for every subject in 2022 (read and download their pdf).