Are you intending to sit for JAMB examination in 2021? If yes, then you should know the syllabus of every subject you will sit for in JAMB examination hall in 2021.
I am going to show you the syllabi of all subjects in Nigeria you should start studying now in order to pass JAMB examination once and for all.
Scoring very high in JAMB examination doesn’t happen on its own automatically. It requires hard work and regular studying.
However, it’s not regular studying matters in some cases, what matters most is how and method you use to study.
Some people study books for JAMB examination as if they are reading newspaper. Such people are probably pass JAMB examination. You can check this article for my guides on how to study for JAMB examination within two weeks and pass very well.
Read this also: how to create JAMB profile with National Identification Number, NIN in 2021 for JAMB registration and everything related to JAMB.
If you want to study for JAMB examination and pass very well as you desire, then use JAMB syllabus. Syllabus directs and shows you what you should study and what you shouldn’t.
Candidates who don’t study with syllabus are like a blind man who’s driving, he/she doesn’t know where to face the direction of the car.
Therefore, don’t be a blind man. Read this content very well and download the PDF file of all the syllabi of every subject you will write which I am going to share to you here today.
How Many Subject Does JAMB Give Candidates To Sit For In The Examination
Before we continue, we should know the subject which JAMB gives to the candidates to write in the examination hall.
JAMB does give twenty-three (23) different subjects to the candidates to write in the examination hall.
That is, one candidate write four (4) subjects (including English Language) which related to the course he/she is intending to study.
Read this also: how to pay for JAMB E-Pin with mobile phone by yourself (7 new methods to know now).
The twenty-three (23) different subjects that JAMB has and sets questions from for candidates are as follow:
- Agriculture
- Arabic
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Commerce
- Christian Religious Studies
- Economics
- French
- Geography
- Government
- Hausa
- History
- Home Economics
- Igbo
- Islamic Studies
- Literature In English
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physics
- Principles of Accounts
- Use of English
- Yoruba
Read this also: JAMB subject combination for all courses in Nigeria in 2021.
JAMB syllabus for all subjects in Nigeria for 2021
Below are the JAMB recommended and official syllabi of all twenty-three (23) subjects which JAMB sets for candidates to write in 2021:
1. JAMB Syllabus For Agriculture in 2021
Are you a pros candidate of JAMB in 2021 and Agriculture is in your JAMB subject combination?
Use the JAMB syllabus below to know where and how to study Agriculture books for your JAMB examination in 2021 by downloading it here.
2. JAMB Syllabus For Arabic Language in 2021
Arabic Language is commonly found in the subject combination of a candidate who is intending to study Arabic Language or Religious Studies.
If you don’t want to fail Arabic Language in an upcoming JAMB examination in 2021, then get Arabic Language syllabus now (download here).
This syllabus is recomm by JAMB itself and I don’t charge you any money.
3. JAMB Syllabus For Art Subject In 2021
If you’ll write CCA (Cultural and Creative Art) in JAMB examination in 2021, please study your book very hard.
Download the recommended JAMB syllabus for Art subject in 2021 to your device now by clicking here.
4. JAMB Syllabus For Biology Subject In 2021
As a JAMB 2021 prospective candidate, please don’t read in abstract. Indeed, those who studied in abstract had known the effect of it brought to them.
Study Biology subject with concrete (JAMB Biology syllabus) in order to know how and which part to focus on to study.
Get or download Biology syllabus for JAMB examination in 2021 by clicking here right now.
5. Chemistry Syllabus Recommended To Study For JAMB Examination In 2021
Chemistry is in JAMB subject combination of most candidates especially Science students.
However, if it’s in your subject combination and don’t want to fail in it, get your Chemistry syllabus as earlier as this time.
Download the PDF file of Chemistry syllabus for JAMB examination in 2021 by clicking on here.
6. JAMB Syllabus For Commerce Subject In 2021
JAMB syllabus for French Language in 2021 is very wide. It’s very important to start studying for French Language now in order to be able to study your book from start to end.
Candidates who want to study Financially can have Commerce in their JAMB subject combination.
Click here now and download the PDF file of Commerce syllabus for JAMB examination in 2021.
7. Christian Religious Studies (CRS) JAMB Syllabus For 2021
Is Christian Religious Studies, CRS in your JAMB subject combination in 2021 examination. Do you actually want to pass CRS in JAMB examination in 2021?
You should download the syllabus of Christian Religious Studies’ JAMB syllabus now to know how to study for it properly.
To download, please click here.
8. JAMB Syllabus For Economics Subject In 2021
Economics is a hard subject for some people. Are you confused about how to study Economics textbook for the next JAMB examination?
By downloading the syllabus you should download can make you know how to read your Economics with due process.
You’re not needed to read all pages in your Economics textbook, thus download its syllabus now and know where you should read and where you shouldn’t.
9. JAMB Syllabus For French Language In 2021
As well, JAMB syllabus is here for French Language subject to tackle examination in 2021.
In order not to suffer yourself in reading what JAMB will not ask its related questions in French Language in 2021, do download French Language syllabus now.
This syllabus I am advising you to download doesn’t cost you anything but show you how and where to study French Language so as to let pass JAMB examination.
10. JAMB Syllabus For Geography Subject In 2021
Geography is one of the hardest subjects which JAMB gives some candidates to answer in an examination hall.
No matter how much your intelligence is, if you didn’t study with syllabus, you’ll know that you are no body as soon as immidiately you have started JAMB Geography exam.
Download Geography syllabus by clicking here now.
11. JAMB Recommended Syllabus For Government Subject In 2021
JAMB has recommended syllabus of Government which you should download now and know the parts you should read.
Goverment is one of the four (4) compulsory subjects in JAMB subject combination of the candidates who’re intending to study Political Science or Law.
For JAMB subject combination of all Social Science courses, please don’t forget to click here and download.
Finally download JAMB syllabus for Government in 2021 here.
12. Hausa Language
What is the syllabus for JAMB Hausa Language in 2021?
You’ll be opportuned to download Hausa Language syllabus for JAMB examination in 2021.
Even though Hausa is your native language, you can still fail in JAMB examination in Hausa language if you don’t want to study with syllabus.
Now what are you waiting for? Download and read Hausa Language syllabus for JAMB in 2021 today.
13. History
History is a subject which students learn in secondary school even in tertiary instititution.
If you want to go very long, it’d be very nice to start walking early. Do you want to study your dream course in your dream tertiary institution? If yes, then wait because there is something I have to say.
What I have to tell is simply that you should download the recommended syllabus for History subject in order to direct you score very high in JAMB examination.
14. Home Economics
Another subject which JAMB sets for some candidates to write in every year is Home Economics. Please don’t be confused that Home Economics is similar to Economics.
If you want to pass in Home Economics in JAMB examination in 2021, kindly download its syllabus now.
To continue to download the PDF file of Home Economics syllabus, click here.
15. Igbo Language
Igbo Language is one of the three (3) popular speaking languages in Nigeria. The other two being Yoruba and Hausa Language.
Since it’s a recognized Language in Nigeria, therefore it’s recommended for people to learn it in school. In fact, most secondary schools in Nigeria have been started teaching their students this language (Igbo).
If you’re interested to study in your tertiary education or it’s in your JAMB subject combination, then don’t play with it because it hard based on the revealing of some students.
Now what you should do if you want to pass Igbo Language in JAMB examination in 2021, please download the PDF file of the syllabus of it by clicking here.
16. Islamic Religious Studies
Do you want to study Islamic Religious Studies, CRS in the tertiary institution? If yes, then have you known that passing in any examination does not happen without hard working?
Indeed, even prophet Muhammed (SAW) said that person should prepare for what he/she is wanting to do. So, why you don’t want to prepare for JAMB examination in order to pass IRS more than other subjects?
Any body that does what prophet commended is doing Sunnah, right? Do this Sunnah today and download the syllabus of Islamic Religious Studies in PDF format.
Now obey what the prophet said and download the syllabus of Islamic Religious Studies.
17. Literature In English
Literature In English is almost all about grammar, fiction and (lets go!).
Do not depend or expect that the question in JAMB examination will be asked from the lesson which your Literature In English teacher taught you.
Buy some Literature In English textbooks recommended to you in the PDF file which we will share to you shortly and start studying.
It’s not good to do anything in one way. Do things many ways so that if one way get blocked another must be opened. Likewise, don’t get only teacher, get textbook, syllabus and some tools.
Now download JAMB Literature In English syllabus here.
18. Recommended JAMB Syllabus For Mathematics In 2021
Mathematics syllabus for JAMB in 2021 is here for you to download. After downloading this PDF file, you’ll know at the end the textbook(s) you should buy.
Mathematics is a very competitivebl subject especially if you write it in JAMB examination. Get Mathematics syllabus for JAMB now and know how to maintain your study by clicking here.
19. Music
Music in the other hand is a school subject which is presently taking place in some secondary schools.
Note that it’s not every school offers Music subject even when I did my secondary school, Music was not in my school but now it’s there.
However, if Music is compulsory in your JAMB subject combination, you cannot in any way tell JAMB that you were not being taught.
If Music is not in your secondary school, because I know that some schools don’t get a Music studies teacher, then download Music syllabus here and buy any of the textbooks that are listed below.
- Akpabot, S.E.b(1986). Foundation of Nigerian Traditional Music, Ibadan: Spectrum.
- Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (1958). Rudiments and Theory of Music, London.
- Cole, W. (1969). The Form of Music, London: The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
- Echezona, W.W.C. (1981).; Nigerian Musical Instruments, Enugu: Apollo Publishing Ltd.
- Ekwueme,L.(1993).Choir Training and Choral Conducting for Africans, Lagos: Lenaus Advertising and Publishing Company.
20. Physics
JAMB 2021 syllabus for Physics. Do you want to download Physics JAMB in order to know how to read the textbook of Physics for JAMB examination?
lf your answer is yes, then you should download Physics syllabus now by clicking here.
21. Principle of Account (Accounting)
Principle of Account is also known as Accounting.
This subject is for senior year school students. As an accounting student you should know how to read expertly. Make sure you are as smart as an accountant.
Finally, download the syllabus of Accounting for JAMB in 2021 now smartly.
22. Use Of English (English Language)’s Official JAMB Syllabus In 2021
The type of questions which JAMB asks candidates in English Language are very tricky. As matter of fact, the number of questions for English Language in JAMB examination is higher than that of other subjects.
Since it’s been known that JAMB asks difficult questions in English Language, you should also know how to tackle them. Now how can you tackle JAMB English Language?
Just download the PDF file of the syllabus of English Language which is recommended in 2021 here and buy the following text books:
23. Yoruba Language
Last but not the least, Yoruba Language. What is Yoruba Language or what does JAMB use Yoruba Language for.
Yoruba Language is one of the three (3) popular languages in Nigeria. People learn how to speak Yoruba Language very fluent.
It is also a different subject in its own in many secondary schools in Nigeria.
Candidates who are intending to study Law are the people who Yoruba Language usually found in their JAMB subject combination.
If you want to pass in Yoruba and in JAMB examination in 2021, make sure to download the syllabus for it right now because this is the right time by clicking here.
Conclusion and further reading:
Jamb 2021 registration for both utme and direct entry student will start from April 4th to 15th May 2021, as a result of this, preparing earlier can make you pass in the examination very, very much especially if you have downloaded the syllabus of your subject combinations as explained in this article above.
Any thing you are planning to do has the way it should be planned in order to be come done even more faster.
Download all the syllabi of your four (4) JAMB subject combinations from this post and remember to share it with your friends.
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Read this also: JAMB registration centres in every state in Nigeria in 2021 (where to register JAMB without making any error).