Are you searching online for the list of Engineering departments and courses and their function? For example, what is the role of engineering department in a construction company? Or what are the functions of an Engineers?
Continue reading this post, you will find out function and role of engineering departments to human being and everything in the world at large.
In the department of engineering, we have the following courses Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil engineering, etc.
Now, let’s start discussing function and role of all engineering departments and courses in every location in the world.
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is an exciting and growing field, which resides at the interfaces between engineering, biology and medicine. The broad goal of biomedical engineering is to solve human health problems through advances in diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of human disease.
It is a field of engineering that combines biology principles with technological or mechanical methods to yield a final result of a medical device which will literally prevent illnesses or improve people’s health and saves their lives.
Biomedical engineers are an engineers who design instruments, devices, and software used in healthcare; develop new procedures using knowledge from different technical sources.
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Biotechnology addresses the technical application of biological systems and living organisms, and their metabolic products.
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary domain where procedures and methods from computer science are developed and deployed to address and solve important current problems in biology.d
Computational Science and Engineering
Solving interdisciplinary science and engineering problems using computers: The interdisciplinary training in mathematics, computer science and applications is an excellent preparation for a career in business and industry. It’s objective is to make new, computer-based career profiles accessible to students.
Computer Science
Computer Science at any tertiary institution stands for the harmonic triad of one of the 21st century’s most important and dynamic scientific fields at one of the world’s leading research universities in one of Europe’s most enjoyable cities.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security is a cornerstone for the continued expansion and acceptance of the information society while, at the same time, being a fundamental research discipline within computer science.
Data Science
Computer Science has changed the way the world produces, manages, processes and analyzes data. Data Science researches concepts and methods how we can understand these huge data sets in order to gain added value for intelligent decision making.
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Purpose-made electronic intelligence: Every “intelligent” device is based on the work of electrical engineers. They use Physics, Mathematics, and inventiveness to design the technology of the future.
Energy Science and Technology
The Master’s degree programme Energy Science and Technology is inspired by the need for solutions to tackle the challenges the world will be facing in realizing a sustainable energy system: environmentally friendly, reliable, of low risk, economically viable, socially compatible, and resilient in the face of natural risk.
Materials Science
Materials science combines the natural sciences with engineering and technology. With a Master in Materials you will be able contribute to the development of new technologies, industrial processes and the discovery of new materials.
Mechanical Engineering
The Master in Mechanical Engineering emphasizes fundamental and engineering sciences with the aim of preparing students for the challenges found at the frontiers of research and industrial development.
Micro and Nanosystems
Micro and Nanosystems products are getting more and more interdisciplinary and complex, involving key technologies from all engineering disciplines and beyond. Process and methods from engineering sciences, and physics can be used to work on important issues in the exploration and development of new integrated systems and respective innovations.
Neural Systems and Computation
Brain sciences meet technology. A key issue is: How can we translate insights about neural systems into usable technologies?
This Master’s degree programme prepares students for research activities in the areas of neuroinformatics and system-oriented neuroscience.
Nuclear Engineering
The Master’s degree programme in Nuclear Engineering trains engineers to harness nuclear fission for energy supply. Studies are interdisciplinary, ranging from neutron and reactor physics to thermo-fluid dynamics, power plant technology, reactor safety and materials science. The portfolio can be broadened to include nuclear fusion and nuclear technologies in medicine.
Process Engineering
The Master’s degree programme in Process Engineering integrates in-depth knowledge of core areas of process engineering such as biotechnology, particle technology, separations, transport and reaction processes with mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biology.
Quantum Engineering
Quantum engineering exploits the unique features of quantum theory to generate technical solutions surpassing the capabilities of any classical technology. Quantum technology is transforming in particular the fields of communication, computing, and measurement technology.
Robotics, Systems and Control
The Master’s degree programme in Robotics, Systems and Control offers students a multidisciplinary education, allowing them to develop innovative and intelligent products and systems to meet today’s challenges: energy supply, environment, health and mobility.
Role of engineering department in a manufacturing company
Generally, Engineering department broadly is responsible for the design , drawing ,codes, specification of material required , quantity and quality of components procured. Now, let’s look at their roles in a manufacturing company!!
- One of the major roles of a learned Engineers who work in a manufacturing company is to be responsible for the safe and efficient planning, management and maintenance of production methods and processes. For example, mechanical engineers design products with consideration of what the customer wants and the specialist processes needed to manufacture them.
- Engineering department in a company acts as mentors and motivators to the technical professionals hired by the company. An Engineering Manager covers most of the sectors of the organisation, be it HR, Finance and Accounts, Business Analysing, Market Economy, Technical, IT, supply Chain Management and a lot more!
- Engineer facilitates efficient operations within the production area, to optimise existing processes, implement new processes and make sure quality products or services are produced
- Engineering departments are in charge of developing innovative devices to bring out advanced materials into the world and designing, introducing and preserving.
Function manufacturing engineering
Manufacturing engineering is a branch of professional engineering that shares many common concepts and ideas with other fields of engineering such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, and industrial engineering.
The duties of manufacturing engineers are developing solutions to production issues, performing cost-benefit analyses, or operating computer-aided design software to design and produce products and systems.
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