Are you a music lover that like to listen to any lastet music? Do you know that you are not alone? Millions of songs are downloaded online everyday. Can you believe that you can create a website (platform) where people can come to and download music and you monetize it?
In this articel, I will show you how to create a music website step-by-step and how to monetize it. You may see our expert guide on top best ways to make money on a website. We would begin by telling practical steps of how to go about it!

Benefits of creating a music website?
Music is an entertainment that makes people forget their worries. Owning an entertainment website will open doors such as affiliation, promotion, sponsorship and other ways of earning. Would you like to find out about how to open a music website where people can come to download?
If your dream is to get an entertainment website, you can do it as we are here to assist you. We can create it for you in such a way to let only the registered member to access to the download link after their registration payment.
You can also get paid as people are listening to your music by displaying ad or promoting sponsored music. If you want to hear more ideas on how to monetise a music website, feel free to contact us.
In the event that you can make a music site and be engaging people, there would be benefits for you. What kind of music site do you truly need to make; gospel music, hip hop music, jazz music, and so forth? You need to have an answer to that firsthand.
You need to think about the type of music that you would create a website for. If you don’t have answer yet, you can stick with one popular musician and be uploading his/her music.
You may see our guide on differences between a blog and website.
Hope you have known some benefits of creating a music website? Now, let’s start to discuss with you how to create a music website and monetize it.
How to open a website for people to download music
To create a downloading music website? Here are the expert step-by-step guides:
1. Determine the type of music website you want to open
The first step in creating a website for people to download music from and make you earn money is determining the type of music. It can be a gospel or religious music, jazz music, etc.
Anything starts with intention and determination. If you want people to quickly understand your website, upload a particular type of music.
In this manner, you can decide to upload a music of one poplar musician. This strategy will not only make you become fame but also enable people like you to place sponsored music on your website. You may see our guide on how to choose a blog niche like a professional.
2. Pick a name for it
Presently, the subsequent stage is picking a name for your music site. You can utilize organization name accessibility checker programming like web facilitating enlistment center, model, Bluehost, Hostgator, and so forth to see whether the name you need to utilize is accessible or has been recently taken by other individual/organization.
Your name should be exceptional with your image. For instance, in the event that your music site is about Jazz music or gospel music, you can name your site name as ”Your Jazz Source” or ”Gospel Psyche”, separately. You may see our guide on how to register a business name in Nigeria with CAC.
3. Buy a domain and hosting
If you want to open music website which prompts people to be able to easily download music, the next thing you have to do after verifying the availability of your intending name is buying a domain and hosting.
You can also buy both domain and hosting from Bluehost, Hostgator, etc. You may see our guide on how to register a domain name in 2024.
4. Install plugins for music website
You don’t have to be a coder to create a website. After you have owned your domain and hosting, the next things that remain is customizing or beautifying it in order to let it attractive in the eyes of your visitors in both performance and layout.
In this step, you have to install a plugin such as MP3 Music Player by, Visual Composer, etc. if you really want to create a music website which you and other people (users) will be proud of.
You may see our expert step-by-step guide on how to install plugins on the WordPress website.
5. Activate theme on it
Themes change the design and sometimes the layout of a website. Every website in the globe has theme. Our top best recommended theme for opening a profitable music website are Wayfarer (external link to audiotheme), StereoClub (external link to themeforest), Harley Davidson (external link to themeforest), VibeMusic (external link to themeforest), Music Lite (external link to themeforest. completely free), etc.
6. Create multiple pages on your site
The necessary page to be made on your music site incorporate contact page, about page and some other pages you might choose to make. Pages increase the value of your site.Page building can assist you with positioning in web search like Google, Bing, yahoo, and so on.
You may see our guide on the importance of creating multiple pages for a website.
7. Customize your music with software
Here, in this step, you are to customize the sound and tone of your music. Example, you can input your website name at the beginning, middle or end of every of your music to make people know your website more.
Make your own music’s sound be unique and professional. This will make people like to listen and download from your website. Use software to decrease the downloading size. You may also see our guide on top best themes to use to create a website for public speakers.
8. Upload your music
The next step is uploading your music. You can also use plugin to do this.
9. Promote your wesite
Last step but not the least is promoting your website by uploading more musics in order for musicians to believe their music. will be promoted to multiple audiences when you post it. You can do the promotion through Google notice, Facebook, Instagram, and so forth.
Now, let’s talk about how you can earn from your music website.
How to make money from music website
1. Selling music
With music website, you can earn money by prompting people to pay before they can have access to a link for downloading your music like Apple music does.
If music is fantastic, people will not hesitate to buy it. You can use Woocommerce plugin to receive payment from people who are downloading it.
2. Placing ad banner
You can also earn from your music website by placing ad banner on it. Being a music website with the right audiences, this shows that the audiences are a type of people with an interest in tech, fashion and music, hence, display ad banners which relate to their interest to them so that when they buy it, you would get an affiliate commission.
For instance, become an Amazon’s affiliate marketer in order to display Amazon’s banners on your music website to your users.
3. Becoming AdSense publisher
One more way through which any sort of site can bring in cash is through adsense. To bring in cash from your music site, pursue Google Adsense distributer’s program to allow Google naturally to begin showing promotions on your site.
You may see our guide on how to make money with AdSense on a WordPress blog.
4. Advance supported music
Advancing supported music is another way you can likewise bring in cash on your music downloading site. In this system, you can charge the supporting music proprietor on cost per download, cost per view, and so on.Advancing supported music for others on your music site depends on arrangement. At times, you can consent to advance for a month, week or days. When the concurred date has reached, you will quit advancing it
See this also: top best ways to make money from your blog or website for 2024
5. Getting donations
You can also place donation form on your website to let people who are interested in your service give you a hand of help by donating money to you.
This can really work for gospel music website or a website that is dedicated for a particular singer. For a gospel music website, a Pastor or Apostle can donate money to you if he/she likes your service.
Hope this guide has helped you know how to create a music website and also show you how to monetize it. You may see our guide on top best themes to use to create a website for public speakers. If you know that this article has helped you know how to create a music website and monetize it, then subscribe to my YouTube channel for more update. You can also fine me on Facebook.
Thank you for your guide. May God bless you sir. This is helpful.
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