Do you have a US Dollar and want to exchange it with Nigerian Naira? Or do you want to buy US Dollar with your Nigerian Naira here in Nigeria? If yes, then you must ask this question: what is the current price of Dollar to Naira in Nigeria.
In this article, we will discuss with you the price of Dollar to Naira in this current time, how to buy Dollar with Nigerian Naira, how to exchange Naira with US Dollar, how to locate Aboki (currency exchanger) to buy or sell Dollar and lots more.
Dollar is a foreign currency which can be used globally to buy goods and services. In Nigeria here, many people like using Dollar to spend more than their own money, Naira.
Hence, people are now asking “what is the current price of Dollars to Naira” in order to maintain smooth and honest transaction.
For example, if I want to pay you with dollars, then I will give you $2 after knowing that the price of Dollar to Naira is N500.
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Dollar is an international currency, originally used in USA, hence, it may go up and come down in other countries, i.e, Nigeria.
Dollar is the name of more than 20 currencies. Many countries use Dollar for the purchase of goods and services and they include:
- Australian Dollar
- Brunei Dollar
- Canadian Dollar
- Hong Kong Dollar
- Jamaican Dollar
- Liberian Dollar
- Namibian Dollar
- New Taiwan Dollar
- New Zealand Dollar
- Singapore Dollar
- United States Dollar and
- several other countries.
The symbol of Dollar currencies in most of the countries listed above is the Dollar sign which is $.
How much is Dollar to Naira today in Nigeria in black market
As at September 2021, the price of one Dollars was five hundred Naira, now, since it goes up and comes down, what is its price for now or how could you know the current price of Dollar to Naira in Nigeria?
Please continue reading this post as am going to show with you how to determine the current price of Dollars to Naira in Nigeria step by step.
Current price of Aboki exchange rate in Nigeria today
The table below shows exchange rate or price of Dollar to Naira today:
S/N | US Dollar | Nigerian Naira |
1 | 10, 000 USD | 4110151.8074 NGN |
2 | 5, 000 USD | 2055075.9037 NGN |
3 | 2500 USD | 1027537.9519 NGN |
4 | 1000 USD | 411015.1807 NGN |
5 | 500 USD | 205507.5904 NGN |
6 | 100 USD | 41101.5181 NGN |
7 | 50 USD | 20550.759 NGN |
8 | 25 USD | 10275.3795 NGN |
9 | 20 USD | 8220.3036 NGN |
10 | 15 USD | 6165.2277 NGN |
11 | 10 USD | 4110.1518 NGN |
12 | 5 USD | 2055.0759 NGN |
13 | 2 USD | 822.0304 NGN |
14 | 1 USD | 411.0152 NGN |
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100 Dollars to Naira in black market today

The following table has shown the price of 500, 1000, 200, 200, 100 Dollars, etc in black market (Aboki exchanger) in Naira in Nigeria as of today.
S/N | Nigerian Naira (NGN) | US Dollar (USD) |
1 | 1 NGN | 0.0024 USD |
2 | 2 NGN | 0.0049 USD |
3 | 5 NGN | 0.0122 USD |
4 | 10 NGN | 0.0243 USD |
5 | 15 NGN | 0.0365 USD |
6 | 20 NGN | 0.0487 USD |
7 | 25 NGN | 0.0608 USD |
8 | 50 NGN | 0.1217 USD |
9 | 100 NGN | 0.2433 USD |
10 | 500 NGN | 1.2165 USD |
11 | 1000 NGN | 2.433 USD |
12 | 2500 NGN | 6.0825 USD |
13 | 5000 NGN | 12.165 USD |
14 | 10000 NGN | 24.33 USD |
How to know the price of Dollar to Naira very fast
The price of US Dollar to Naira is not stable in Nigeria, hence, the price of Dollar to Naira as shared above may come down or go up at anytime without anybody’s notice.
As a result of that, how can you know the price of Dollar to Naira when the situation changes?
We advise you to come and visit this post anytime you have to know the updated price of Dollar to Naira as we will update immediately anytime the price goes up or comes down or visit any of the recommended websites below:
- https://www.xe.com
- https://www.ngnrates.com
- www.cbn.gov.ng/
- https://abokifx.com/
- https://www.exchangerates.org.uk
- https://www.currencyc.com/
If you know that this article has helped you know everything about the current price of US Dollar to Nigerian Naira in Nigeria and how to buy Dollar from Aboki black market, please share it with your friends and remember to share it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.
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