Are you curious to know how many digit numbers are the recharge card pin that every network in Nigeria has. In this article today, you’ll know how many digits are the pin of the recharge card of every top four (4) notable network provider (Glo, Airtel, 9Mobile and MTN) in Nigeria.
The number one reason why you should need to know the number of digit of the pin of a recharge card is that it can help you to know very fast the type of network you’re being given its recharge card.
Some recharge card sellers may mistakenly cut off the logo on the recharge card, in this case, if such recharge card is given to you, then how should you know with proof?
Read this also: message center number of all networks and how to fix if sim card cannot receive and send text message.
The proven way to claim that the type of recharge card you are being given was not the one you asked for is by calculating its pin.
This is what we’re going to show you. We’ll show you how many digit numbers that the recharge card pin of every network are.
How many digit numbers are the pin of the recharge card for every network
Let’s move on to discuss the topic of this article.
Below are the digits number of all networks in Nigeria and the networks are as follow:
- Airtel
- Glo
- MTN and
- Etisalat or 9Mobile
How many digit numbers are the recharge card pin of Airtel network
Airtel is one of the biggest network providers in Nigeria.
Its recharge card pin is only sixteen (16) digit numbers and they are the same in any amount of recharge card you buy.
That is, even though you buy N10, 000 (ten thousand Naira) worth of recharge card of Airtel network, its number of pin is still the same as the person who just buy N100 (one hundred Naira) one.
It should be noted that the numbers of digit of the recharge card pin of Airtel is sixteen (16) only.
Recharge card pin number of Glo
Glo network has only fifteen (15) digit numbers of recharge card pin.
Read this also: how to transfer bonus airtime on Glo network to your friends and loved ones.
To know how to transfer bonus airtime on Glo network, you may click here.
Glo network is one of the network providers in Nigeria and in some other countries.
The direct recharging code of it is *123*pin#.
Recharge card pin of MTN network
The recharge card pin of MTN network is 19 (nineteen) in numbers.
You may click here to know how to load MTN recharge card.
MTN is the only network which has foundation (Scholarship). It helps Nigerian undergraduate students achieve their educational goals.
If you want to know more about the foundation scholarship sponsored by MTN Nigeria, click this link.
Read this also: Message Center Number Of All Networks In Nigeria (Receive Messages)
Recharge card pin of 9Mobile or Etisalat
9Mobile or Etisalat produces recharge card to its users. The number of recharge card pin of Etisalat is eighteen (18) digits.
In order to load the recharge card of Etisalat with direct recharging code, kindly click here to read more about it.
If you know that this article has helped you know how many digits are the recharge card pin of all top four famous network providers in Nigeria, please don’t forget to share it with your friends and remember also to comment with any question you may have to ask.
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