If you’re a blogger or webmaster, your dream is to make more money. It is normal to find new ways you can make money on your website. And this expert step-by-step guide today, I will show you methods and how to double, or quadruple the money you are currently making on your website.
Many people think that if one wants to make huge money, one should start a website or start an online business. Yes, of course, it is true for some people. But it all depends on what drove you to create a website. Because many people are driven by a mere saying like ”I want to get a website because my rich friend got it”.
In fact, the website is based on the service you render, the products that your company sells, etc. Other people get reasons more than this, but be sure that you are resilient, passionate, and optimistic. If you want to get a website but don’t know where to start, we have got you covered. Web design information, guides, and tips are what we specialize in on fastknowers.com. You may see our expert guide on how to design WordPress websites using Elementor without code.

Now, let’s get started to show you the best ways to make more money on your website.
Ways to make money from a blog & website
It doesn’t matter whether your initial intention before creating a website is marketing your product or services. Most successful people in our society did not become successful with the products or services they started with. So, you need to think about innovative legitimate ways to make more money on your websites.
Most importantly, you don’t need strong digital marketing skills before you can monetize your website. What drove you to get a website is your motivation, and motivation makes one start something that will eventually lead to success.
Below are the top 15 best ways to make more and more money on your website.
- Create a business directory.
- Promote an affiliate product.
- Sell ad space.
- Write sponsored posts.
- Offer coaching services.
- Host webinars.
- Embed donation button.
- Display Google AdSense.
- Write review.
- Accept the public speaking invitations.
- Create a questions and answers community.
- Create Restricted Members Only Content.
- Sell eBooks.
- Offer Freelance Services.
- Coach others.
1. Create a business website:
To make money from a website, you have to create a tool or deliver a service that people need. If you solve people’s problems, they will pay you. You may see our expert step-by-step guide on how to design a WordPress website using Elementor (free)
If you are a blogger, try to blog about what people are searching for information or guides about and also fight for having decent content and a large amount of page views. By doing this, other companies would like to advertise on your blog or they would need you to place their products or services on your blog as sponsored.
You don’t need a high level of technical knowledge to become a successful blogger. As you have started, just be learning new things along the way. With WordPress, you can create a website/blog without writing a single line of coding language. This can be done using plugins and themes built by professional coders.
2. Promote an affiliate product:
Here, another one of the best ways to make money from your blog or website is by promoting other companies’ products or services as an affiliate. Promoting other people’s products as an affiliate means they will give you a commission when someone by the products.
The price for promoting products as an affiliate differs from product to product and other external factors. The point where real money lies in making money from a blog/website is promoting someone’s products as an affiliate marketer.
They can pay you as low as 20% of the product’s price which you are promoting, for example, if the product costs $50, that means you will be paid $10 as an affiliate marketer. Now, let’s assume you sell ten of that product in a day, guess how much you will earn? $100. Hence, by making $100 every day in a month, you will earn $3, 000.
3. Sell ad space:
Another way to make money from your website/blog is through selling some places for other companies to advertise their products. In this method of making from your site, you are to bargain with the potential advertisers, if you are interested, then let them send you their banner and place it on your website.
Based on your agreement, you can leave the banner to keep showing to your visitors for a week, month, or even year. In order to make money from your website through selling ad space, you have to produce high-quality content, design a nice website and it must have a large quantity of quality visitors.
In fact, before someone plans to buy ad space on your blog, he/she must have analyzed your blog to determine the source of your visitors, their interests, gender, location, etc. Selling ad space is another one of the best ways to make money from your blog or website.
4. Accept sponsored posts:
A sponsored post is one written by other companies’ content writers and sent to you to place it on your blog or website and tag it as sponsored while ensuring that it must be at the topmost level of your page.
A post that is tagged as sponsored shows that it was originally written by you, hence, your potential visitors who are interested in that would be clicking it and reading. You may see our guide on how to write your first blog post on WordPress
Sponsored post differs from selling ad space. Sponsored posts will never be deleted from your blog’s posts unless it is included in the agreement between you and the owner of the post that from this time to this time, your post will be deleted.
Depending on the scale of your audiences and the type of blog or website you are running, you can receive as low as $1, 000 per sponsored post. This is just an estimate, in some cases, they may collect less or higher than $1, 000.
5. Offer coaching services:
As you are the CEO of your blog or website, people look at you as a boss and a professional digital marketer, in this way, they can need your help to guide them to make a website or blog too. At this point, if you originally built your website/blog yourself, then try learning how to do it.
Guiding others to succeed surely makes you make money and succeed. Don’t just be a blogger or webmaster alone, coach other people to become a blogger and we master like you.
If you are coaching others in building a presence online, you have to recommend a tool and software that must be used. Here, you can join affiliates of the tools that you are using in order to make money from affiliates. Also note that after every successful coaching, the person you coach will pay you money.
You can let them buy your affiliate plugin, theme, etc. In fact, before someone builds a blog or website, he/she must host his/her domain with a hosting registrar, hence, join one of the most trusted hosting providers like Bluehost.com and let him/her register through it.
6. Host webinars:
If you assume that the population of people who need to build a website or blog in your location is rising up and up, host a webinar. You can host it in a hotel, restaurant, Church, school, or any convenient place of your choice.
During the webinar, tell them the importance of a website and blog, how they will help businesses succeed in the future, and how they build a website or blog. Here, if you are not good at speaking, you can invite a motivational speaker to come and speak to them.
Don’t issue a ticket if you have just started hosting a webinar. You can even do it for free of charge within a minimum of one year. When people have started finding value in your webinar, then you can start issuing tickets, that is, anyone without a ticket will not be allowed to enter your webinar hall. If your webinar does provide value to people’s lives and businesses they will care to buy your ticket no matter the price.
7. Embed donation button:
Another way to make money from your website or blog is by embedding a donation button on it. The donation button should be embedded on a site about gospel or missionary. People are finding how they can give their money as charity to the will of promoting Godly programs.
That is to say, if you are operating a website of a Mosque or Church, it is good to embed a donation button on that website or website if you need money to start or complete a project. You may see our expert guide on how to integrate the PayStack payment gateway on websites.
You can add a donation button to your website or blog to receive money from your visitors by simply downloading a plugin. Using a donation plugin, you will then be able to customize the donation request text, where the button should be embedded, etc. You may see our guide on how to install plugins on the WordPress website.
8. Display Google AdSense:
This option of making money from a website or blog completely has no stress and doesn’t require any technical knowledge. Google AdSense can be displayed on any type of website or blog. But to make real money from Google AdSense, your website or blog must have high-quality content and visitors.
Google AdSense is an advertising company founded by Google. It works by simply receiving money from companies that want to advertise their products or services online. Google will then show those adverts on your website or blog. At the end of every month, Google will finally send you payment resulting from page views, clicks, and engagement that your visitors made with those adverts.
Google AdSense earning differs from different reasons to different reasons. If your visitors mostly come from the UK, USA, Germany, etc. you will make good money from AdSense. You may read our expert guide on how to make money with AdSense on a WordPress blog.
9. Write a review:
Another way to make money from your website or blog is by writing a review for other products on your blog. You can create a blog dedicated to reviewing products.
After your website or blog is smoothly running, you can reach out to other companies or business owners who are in need of positive reviews for their products or services.
In this method of making money from your website/blog, you are required to be a professional reviewer. You have to be able to describe how the products are and why you recommend others to use or buy them.
10. Accept public speaking invitation:
Be constantly showing yourself as a professional blogger or webmaster on your blog on a daily basis. Show your audience that you are interested in welcoming public speaking invitation no matter where it comes from.
Being a blogger and motivational/public speaker, you will easily make money and sell your products. Through the process of your public speaking, you can sell your books to audiences, let them visit your website, buy your products online, or take your course.
11. Create a questions and answers community:
Another way that one can make money from his/her website or blog is by creating a question-and-answer community website like Quora. By creating this type of website, you won’t be needed to write any posts as posts will be written by other people.
What you have to do here as a question-and-answer community website manager is simply make sure your website runs fast and looks nice on different types of devices. If you are not good at this task, then hire a web developer and designer to recommend you good tools to use.
You can create a question-and-answer community website for students, marketers, relationships, etc. to ask themselves a question related to their education, trade/business, how they should develop their standing with their partner, etc., respectively.
12. Create restricted members-only content:
Being a webmaster or blogger, there are a lot of top best ways to make money from your website or blog. In this way/method of making money from your blog or website, you have to have high technical and marketing knowledge to create restricted members-only content.
Create high-quality content on your blog or website. For example, make your website talk about food, then write enough ways about how to prepare some foods that most people like to eat but are hard to prepare, after you have started getting many followers, then switch some content to members-only content.
In this way, you are directing people to pay before watching your videos or reading your articles. Hence, creating a restricted members-only content website or blog is another one of the best ways to make money online.
13. Sell eBooks:
If you are good at creating a PDF document file, then here is another opportunity for you to make money from your website or blog by selling eBooks.
Start learning how to create or make an eBook if your website/blog is all about tech or education because people have become interested in reading eBooks more than reading ordinary articles.
In order to make money from the audiences visiting your website or blog, you can sell eBooks to them. Please note that an eBook refers to an Electronic book, hence, it can be a PDF. You may see our expert guides on how to build an email list using an eBook and as an email magnet.
14. Offer freelance services:
You can offer freelance services to your audiences like designing their website, writing an SEO-optimized for them, making them make sales, etc.
15. Coach others:
In life, once you are at the top, it is your duty to make others get there. In fact, if you don’t help other people to get where you are, you will not make money. When we say money, basically, we are referring to people. Hence, people are money.
Finally, one of the top ways to make money from your blog or website is to coach other people.
There are a lot of ways to make money on a website. All the fifteen ways discussed above are the legitimate ones our experts thought about. The choice is yours because you are the owner of your website and you know your strengths and weaknesses. If you can’t multitask, then stick with one niche that you are most experienced about. You may also see our expert guide on how to choose a good niche for your blog.
Hope this article has helped you know the best ways to make money on a website.
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Your article is really great. Thank you for providing values to the world.
Hi Dalhatu
Thank you for your feedback.