Blog VS forum (what are their differences)

Both blog and forum are a website with little distinction. Today, we shall discuss the differences between a blog and a forum.

Do you want to create a blog to promote your business/service and decide on the type of website you would create? Both blogs and forums can earn you money if you do the right things. You may read our expert guide on how to make money from a WordPress blog.

The first difference between a blog is it is a website that is regularly updated with related topics of posts (also known as articles) by authors while a forum is a website in which a post can be made on it by subscribers who have the same motive.

Blog VS forum

One of the most important benefits of blogging to some people over forums is the mode of having articles on them. Because of a blog, the articles on it must be created by a paid writer(s) or you yourself but on a forum, posts are published by the forum members for free.

Examples of the biggest forum websites in the world according to my research are Quora, Stackoverflow, etc. And the good news is that you can make money from both a blog and forum.

Hope from this brief description, you have known little distinction between a blog and a forum. Continue reading to know more.

Differences between a blog and a forum

The table below will explain better.

1A blog is updated regularly with a post in chronological orderForum members are the ones that post their questions for other members to answer or contribute
2A blog is a website where an admin, author, and editor post content and allow the readers to contribute via a comment section.A forum is a website where a community can chat and interact on threads with each other.
3On a blog, all members are not equal. For example, a member cannot post content unless he or she is an editor or author. On a forum, all members are equal. Anyone can start a discussion on a topic and others can reply.
4A blog is a website on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basisA forum website has comprised of a group of people on the Internet who exchange topics of mutual interest.
5A blog can be one-to-many communications; for instance, the one who posts the blog communicates with his or her readers.
While a forum, on the other hand, involves many-to-many communication. For instance, many people post their questions at a time in order to get feedback from others.
6A blog can contain different types of media such as text, photos, videos, and links to other sites.
Most forum website mainly contains text.
7A blog post typically involves the writer’s opinions and thoughts and the opinion of others through comments if the writer allows it.
A forum involves the exchange of ideas and views between many users.

Hope this table has helped you know the differences between a blog VS a forum. Want to create a blog?

Recommended posts:

  1. Top best blogging platforms to use in 2023
  2. How to install a theme on a WordPress blog
  3. Requirements for blogging for 2023

Do you want to know how to create a blog?

Let’s show you how to create a professional blog for the first time.

  1. To create a blog, first, buy a domain name and hosting. You may see our expert guide on the top best WordPress shared web hosting companies in 2023.
  2. Install a content management system especially WordPress. For expert step-by-step explanation, see our guide on how to install WordPress for your blog from your cPanel.
  3. Install theme. They are millions of themes online that you can use on your blog for small pay or free. You can buy professional themes from ThemeForest. You may read our guide on how to install theme on a WordPress blog for free.
  4. Install and activate the plugin. Plugin adds features to a website and blog. We can’t tell you the plugins you need to have on your blog as the features that you may need differ. You may see our guide on how to install and activate plugin on WordPress.
  5. Create a high-quality content. Content creation is what drives traffic to your website and blog. And here is where you need to choose a niche (topic). Read our step-by-step guide on how to write a post on a WordPress blog for the first time.

Please before you embark on creating any content, perform keyword research on it. Keyword research is the act of searching for more information about the keyword you want to write about. You may read our professionally explained article on how to do keyword research for your blog post.


Hope this article has helped you know the difference between a blog and forum and also how to start a blog using WordPress. If creating a blog seem confusing to you, you may see how we set up WordPress blog for people for free.

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1 Comment

  1. Daniel Adura

    Thank you for writing this article. I really appreciate how you explained everything in detail. Please can you create a couple of guides next time about how to create a forum!

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