Have you got huge amount of bonus airtime in your Glo network and don’t know how to share it with your friends or loved ones before it’s expired? Stop wondering, in fact in this article, we’ve got you covered.
We’ll show you how to share airtime (bonus) on Glo network with step-by-step procedures in this article today.
For a bonus airtime in Glo network to be shared, there is no any specific USSD code to use. Thus, follow the step-by-step guidelines below and share the bonus airtime in your Glo network to any body you love.
Read this also: how to share normal airtime from Glo to Glo network (without code but using data and internet).
How to share bonus airtime on Glo network to another person step by step
Below is the trick to how to share bonus airtime in Glo network provider limited with mobile phone by yourself:
- Insert the Glo sim card in which you have bonus airtime in a mobile device
- Call 121 (Glo customer service representative)
- Select from the options to enable talk to an agent
- When an agent receive your call, tell him or her that you want him/her help you share your bonus airtime to your loved one
- For security purpose, you could be tested for the last time you recharged your sim card and how much
- Then respond correctly to him/her
- After that he/she will ask you the telephone number you wish to share your bonus airtime to and the amount
- Call to him/her the exact telephone number of your friend or loved one and the amount you want to share
- Then customer service representative (agent) will thus give you congratulatory greeting
- After the call has been ended, you will get a text message from Glo about the deduction of your bonus airtime in your Glo sim card.
- While your loved one or the person who you shared your bonus airtime to (recipient) will immediately get the text message that his/her airtime balance has been credited by your telephone number.
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Tips to take note of when sharing awwuf airtime on Glo network
As shown above, bonus on Glo network cannot be shared in any logic ways without calling Glo customer service representative.
If customer service representative ask you any question, please answer him/her correctly.
Below are the questions you may get asked by Glo customer care (agent) when calling purposely to share your bonus airtime to your loved one:
- Your name
- State you’re calling from
- Your LGA
- Name of the town or village you’re calling from
- Last time you had recharged your sim card and how much you recharged with
- Telephone number of the person who you want to share your bonus airtime to and the amount to be shared
Note that the telephone number you’re going to call out to the customer care representative must be Glo network.
Read this also: code to know the telephone number of every Glo sim card ( ultimate methods).
If you know that this article has helped you know how to share Glo bonus airtime from your sim card to another sim card, then like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for more important updates related to this article henceforth.
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Read this also: how to activate the airtime sharing pin of Glo network in order to share airtime with your loved one(s).