Top benefits of blogging (why blog)

Do you want to start a blog and think about whether you should continue or not? Today, we’ve compiled the top benefits of blogging that motivate bloggers in getting started with creating their blogs.

Some business owners only work on their websites but not on their blogs because they might haven’t known the positive change that it can bring to their business.

Or some people think that it’s hard to blog but that’s not true. With tools and free resources available nowadays, setting up a blog to create content on it is easy faster and easier than before.

Top benefits of blogging

Why blogging and benefits of a blog

We always advise people to blog as it adds lead to their products and services. But some of them ask us that is it still relevant in the age of social media.

Blogging was not recently invented. It has been for decades and the very best marketing tool for many businesses.

The simplest way to know that investing in blogging is worth it is the way that big companies like Amazon, PayPal, Microsoft, etc. are treating their blog.

Getting back to our topic, we shall cover what a blogging is, why it is needed to blog, how to blog, when does it necessary to blog, and finally the top benefits of blogging.

Blogging can be described as a way for people to write about their day-to-day life, passions, and things they found interesting online. For example, blogging is like online journals or diaries.

However, due to the benefits of blogging,  many businesses found it essential in their marketing strategy.

Accroding to US statistics, there are currently 1.9 billion websites in the world, and most of them are blogs. This also indicates how beneficial a blog is.

Happily, you can create your own blog in under 30 minutes for free without hiring a programmer or web designer. For more information, feel free to read our guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

Note that a blog and a website are different. Read our step-by-step explanation of the differences between a blog and a website.

Gladly, you can use free software or CMS like WordPress to create a website or blog for any type of business without writing or learning any programming language.

WordPress powers more than 43% of websites in the world. This makes it the best platform to build a website and blog with.

Both non-techy individuals and businesses can rely on using WordPress to create a blog to promote their ideas, brands, stories, products, and services.

As you have known a little about blogging, let’s dive in to show you its benefits.

Top benefits of blogging

Helps in building expertise

One of the benefits of blogging is it helps in building your expertise in your career, and business.

Without content, it may be hard to prove your expertise and authority to people about your experience if you depend on your website which has less than five pages that were built for selling your products/services.

Designing a blog page or creating a blog sub-domain for your website allows you to regularly publish content on topics related to your industry. This helps you establish expertise with your readers.

By blogging, you can describe the features and uses of your products and services.

If you are consistently publishing articles on your blog, your readers will not need to buy products or services which you offer from your competitors.

Brings traffic to your website

How blogging brings traffic to a website

Any website must have a few important pages like a homepage, landing pages for your products/services, a contact page, etc.

When people search for the product or service you offer, search engines will not show your website. But if you have an article that discussed what people search for, for example, “how to create a blog” if you’re a web design or digital marketing agency, then search engines such as Google may show it.

For example, if your website is car selling, posting articles about cars like car maintenance, cost of the car, top best cars in the country, most bought cars in the market, etc. over time will help you organically get more traffic to your website from search engines.

Helps you build an audience

How blogging can help you build an audience

Your website and its pages like the contact page, about us page, etc. have not much room for you to build an audience. Every content found there is not inviting as they are all about your products and services and a convincing tone for people to buy from you.

But if you start to blog, it’ll help to bring in people to make a conversation with you via the comment section.

When people comment on your blog, they show concern about your brand which also makes other people purchase from you.

If your blog is designed professionally, your readers will share your posts on social media, leading to more exposure and more sales or uses of tools.

These users are also more likely to recommend your products/services to their friends and family.

Compete in search results

How a blog helps you rank higher

Another way that blogging carries a lot of benefits is it helps you compete with other websites in search results.

Competing in search results requires you to carry out keyword research to know the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Performing keyword research helps you find out the keywords that people search for that bring them to their blog or website. Knowing the keywords they are ranking for is not just okay. Its use is to go to your own blog and create a similar article even better than theirs so that you’ll rank in the future.

Hope you can know that a blog provides you with plenty of opportunities to compete in organic search traffic.

Note competing in the search result is a work of search engine optimization (SEO). Read our guides on how to install and set up the Yoast SEO plugin on a new WordPress blog for more information on how to do SEO.

Advances your digital marketing skills

Blogging promotes digital marketing

Blogging helps to advance your digital marketing skills as you are always engaged or thankful about how to sell digital products or services to your readers via blog posts.

If you blog regularly, you’ll have more articles on your blog to promote on the internet to people on different channels.

For example, when you have written a post, you need to promote it on social media and in your newsletter.

As regular practice brings more confidence, engaging in creating blog posts and promoting them, you are practicing digital marketing which increases your digital marketing skills.

Helps building revenue

How blogging increases revenue

Consistently blogging in the right niche pays. It helps you generate revenue aside from the products or services you are offering.

For example, you can offer sponsored post services, promote affiliate products, and display Google Ads in your blog posts.

Enabling you to educate people

You can educate a large audience at a time using blogging

People will never come back to your website if only what they can see are your products and services because a lot of companies offer what you are offering even better than your own.

To make people come to your website again and again, you need to have something that they can engage with like blog posts, to make them learn something new about your products or services or the industry in which you are an expert.

If you sell products on your website, blog posts allow you to tell customers why your products are helpful in their business or life.

This helps you compare your product with competitors as you’re showcasing the features of your product, informing users about its benefits, and more.

You’ll become highly valuable to your customers when you create high-quality contents which helps them to know new things they may not have known before.

Hope from this explanation you have agreed that blogging is an opportunity to provide value to your people while promoting your products/services at the same time.

Improving your SEO

Blogging helps to increase SEO

Your website alone has a few pages which don’t contribute to high ranking in terms of SEO. Even if they rank high, it is a fixed limited set of keywords they rank for.

If you start blogging and implementing target-related keywords over and over for months or years, your website will rank for different keywords.

High-quality helpful articles show the search engine you are very knowledgeable in your field, hence, your website and its content will be recommended to people when the search for a keyword that is related to what you offer.

Helps you share and announce information

You can’t share or announce information on your business website as it tends to disrupt the user experience or make you look unprofessional.

But you can do that on your blog. In fact, this is what a blog was invented for, sharing the day-to-day experience with other people.

For example, if you are having a Black Friday sale, you can announce it to people via a blog post. And display that across your website via the header, sidebar, or footer banner.

Increases your chance of partnership

Another benefit of blogging is when you do it in a professional way, it enhances your chances of partnership with other companies which in turn boosts your growth.

With all the activity going on with your blog, you will attract the attention of people and businesses looking for mutually beneficial partnerships.

For example, a big real estate investor may reach out to offer you better pricing or wholesale pricing for the sale of their estate.

Blog helps you sell your services or product or your personal brand helping you get noticed by the right people which will gradually grow your network and influence.

Makes people recognize your brand

A blog helps you strengthen your brand identity. It gives you more opportunities to use your custom logo across your website, your social profiles, search results, and more.

This brand recognition when combined with customer trust and authority adds enormous value to your digital assets.

As an individual, you get recognized by industry leaders, influencers, and enthusiasts. This opens doors to many opportunities.

Similarly, as a business, your brand becomes more valuable and this weight will be considered by any potential buyer if you want to sell your business in the future.

Enables you to share content in many ways

To build a presence online, you need to actively promote your business online.

The problem business website has is that they don’t have new content for you to share.

 Before if you had a blog page on your website, you can find it very easy to create content and share it across your other channels like social media. 

For example, when you create an article on your blog, you can share it as follows:

  • Share the link to your blog post on social media
  • Use the blog post content in your email newsletter
  • Make a YouTube video based on blog post content
  • Edit YouTube videos to create content for TikTok, Instagram Stories, and more.

You get to get more leads and conversions with blogging

Now bringing traffic to your website by creating a blog was the easy part. The more complex part is to convert that traffic into sales and growth for your business.

More than 70% of people visiting your website today, will never find it again. That’s because there is so much content and information on the internet.

A blog helps you convert website traffic into potential leads, convert them into subscribers and social media followers thereby allowing you to reach out to them later.

You can use a tool like MailChimp or OneSignal to help you build an email audience to allow you to send targeted messages to your blog visitors

Note also that bringing traffic to your website is not the end of the journey. The starting point of the journey is how you can convert the traffic into revenue.

Professional digital marketers revealed that 70% of your traffic today will visit your website if they don’t any useful content to use.

Help you find the job

Last but not the least, one of the top benefits of blogging is it can earn you a job in your field. For example, if you blog about digital marketing and have a positive result, people will come to seek to hire you.

One thing about blogging is when you start, it must require your passion, skills, and knowledge to become an expert in your field, thus, you can reach out to businesses and contact them in case you can offer them your service.

Make your blog in such a way it can become one core thing in your CV. Don’t just say you are a professional web designer in a plain CV if you don’t have a website.

Through your blogging, you can find the job of your dream on a remote and part-time or full-time basis.

How to start a blog

Have you been following up on our top benefits of blogging and now you have decided to start your own blog?

Getting started with creating a blog is quite easier than you think.

To go the extra mile with your blog, first, you need to carefully choose the right blog-building platform like self-hosted WordPress.

Note that there is a different types of WordPress. We prefer to You can read our guide on the differences between and

And to start a blog, you need a domain name and a hosting account.

We partner with one of the best companies in the world called FastComet which offers a free domain name with a discount on hosting.

You can get started with a cheap plan as you can upgrade when you start seeing the result of high sales in your digital business. At FastComet, the least price is $1.99 per month.

Visit FastComet now

To buy a domain and web hosting in order to start your own blog on WordPress, simply click the button above to visit the FastComet website and create an account.

Once you’ve bought a domain name and hosting, FastComet will automatically install WordPress for you.

You can also follow our guide to help you with step-by-step instructions on how to start a successful blog.

Hope we have helped you know the top best benefits of blogging and also how you can start. Please comment with your thought via the comment section.

Finally like our Facebook page or subscribe to our newsletter for more important updates.


  1. Sandra Harry

    This is the type of article I want to read. Thank you for this write up.

    • Abdul Razaq

      Hi Harry
      Thanks for reading! I’m glad you found the article helpful

  2. Shegene Sonto

    Blogging helps you to know what is going on in your industry. I like my work (blogging). It also helps me develop good writing skills and habits.

  3. shedrakolatunji

    Sir, is there any particular time in a day that is good to publish blog posts? I saw an argument online that says something about it. Any idea from your side?

  4. James Donald

    To me, blogging helps me improve my writing skills. I started to write very well after I start to blog about education. 😔

  5. Stephen Samuel

    I want to get a blog as an apprentice. I am from my boss everyday. I want to own a blog so that I can publish article every weekend. I think anything you write, it will never be forgotten.

    I my your advice to help me get started. Thank you for your help in this blog.

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