How to choose choice of institution in JAMB registration centre in 2021

The mis-selection of choice of instititution and course during JAMB registration are commonly two factors that prevent almost every people from gaining admission. Thus, I thought that showing you more how to choose correct choice of institution in JAMB registration centre can be helpful.

Indeed, this article will help you know how to choose choice of instititution and the courses which you are very happy to study.

As a JAMB applicant, there is freedom for you to choose as many best instititution as you like and with the different or same course. But if you mischoose, you’ll be asked to pay money for modification.

Read this also: how parents should interfere in the JAMB registration and registration’s issue of their child.

In the JAMB registration centre, candidates are likely get asked by the person who register JAMB for them like a Professor.

If you know that you’ll cannot be able to answer to any question you’ll get asked very fast in the CBT centre, then it’s very important to write some important places in sheet.

How To Choose Choice Of Institution And Course During JAMB Registration

If you’re a prospective applicant of JAMB in 2021, how to choose the correct choice of instititution and course you will wish to study in any instititution you will choose should be one of your priorities.

Are you a dependent applicant whose his/her academic fees are paid by parents? If your parents or guardians pay your school fees, then go and meet them to know the type of instititution they can afford to send you to.

There are different types of instititutions and each of them offers different academic service.

There are an institution which its one semester fee can be used to do four semesters in other instititution. That is why you should be told by your sponsorship.

In Nigeria, there are four (4) different types of instititutions and they are:

  1. University
  2. Polytechnic or Monotechnic
  3. Colleges of Education
  4. Innovation Enterprise Institutes

Before you choose an institution to study in, it’s very important to know the type of certificate which you’ll be issued after you’ve graduated.

4 Different Types Of Institutions In Nigeria And The Certificate They Issue

In JAMB registration centre, CBT, you can choose any institution you like to study in from any four (4) types of institutions.

Below are the respective academic certificate which candidates would be issued after they have graduated:

  • Degree: those who studied in university will be issued this certificate
  • National Diploma (ND): this certificate is only given to the students who studied in Polytechnic and Monotechnic
  • Nigeria Certificate In Education: this is rewarded to the students who studied in Colleges of Education. It’s commonly known as NCE.
  • National Innovative Diploma: National Innovative Diploma, NID is the type of certificate issued to the Innovative Enterprise Institutes’ students.

How Do Choice Of Institutions And Courses Work

It’s not compulsory to choose only University as your first choice. In fact, Colleges of Education can also be chosen as first choice of instititution.

What we really mean by first choice is that, it’s the institution you’ll want to gain admission in.

Also, JAMB uses the choices you chose to offer you admission. And that is why it’s important to choose the right choice instititution.

Read this below as an example:

Number one: choose Federal University as your most preferred instititution and the course you prefer to study in it as your first choice of instititution and course.

Number two: choose Federal Polytechnic or Monotechnic as your second choice of instititution and the course you wish to study in with.

Example number 3: choose Colleges of Education as third choice of instititution and the course you wish to study in it with.

Number 4: you then choose National Innovative Institutes, NIT as fourth choice.

It should be noted that below are an example of how to choose choice of courses and institutions work. That doesn’t mean that you cannot choose Polytechnic as your first choice of institution.

The matter of fact is that you will be admitted into the institution you have chosen as your first choice.

Some institutions like Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja admits candidates who chose it as their first, second or third choice of institution provided that candidate has written their post UTME examination.

Read this also: how to apply national ID card and get your NIN for JAMB registration in 2021 very fast.

How To Gain Admission Into Your Most Preferred School Through JAMB

As discussed earlier in this post, you can choose any institution you like most as the first choice of instititution and also make sure that the institution you’ve chosen offers the course you want to study, this is number one.

Secondly, if you want to gain admission into your most preferred institution, then don’t register for the post UTME application form of the institution which is not your first choice.

JAMB even said that multiple post UTME registration in the same or different institutions makes candidates to lose admission automatically.

Before you register for the post UTME application of your first choice institution, scale the point you scored in JAMB examination and your O’Level grades.

Some instititutions don’t admit candidates who scored very low in JAMB examination. If your first choice of instititution is among, then change your second choice institution to first choice.

Conclusion and further reading:

Let’s stop here for today. We’ll update this article as the situation changes.

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Read this also: how to study very long in the night without sleeping off (you’ll be happy to study more and more).

Glad you’ve found that this post has helped you in knowing how to choose choice of institution in JAMB and thank you for your time!

Abdulrazaq Yahaya

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